Friday, June 12, 2009

What Should My Cp Be If My Period Is Starting

the flyer Wednesday, 17 sit-in Piazza del Carmine

Mercoledì 17 alle ore 19
Presidio/sit-in davanti al Club Roberto Cavalli
in Piazza del Carmine Firenze
contro la svendita del centro storico
per la vivibilità del quartiere

I genitori della Scuola dell’Infanzia Fioretta Mazzei intendono portare all’attenzione dei cittadini di Firenze l’occupazione di suolo pubblico da parte del locale “Cavalli Club”.

This room, in fact during the long weekend of June 2, made a "terrace" that holds the tables for his customers in the pedestrian square from which you access the Scuola.Questo "terrace" is in our opinion is highly impactful for activities school for the entire aesthetic of the place where it is.

We stress that the square in question is unique, and in itself small, the entire area pedestrian piazza del Carmine. School, however, has been active for more than half a century there, remember how many grandparents, who used to have between 40 and 50 years in 1900 those same spazi.Tale bounded by the facade of the school, which contains the port access to it, which is accessed from the front in that room and to a private home, and one of the walls of the church of Santa Maria del Carmine, in which as shown on the site of the town of Florence ( http:// / servizi_pubblici / arts / museums / htm ), there is one of the highest examples of painting of all time.

We also note that on this square, over the entrance, is surrounded by three classroom windows that give light to interior spaces and one that illuminates the corridor.

As parents, we have more than one occasion asked the Municipality and the competent authorities, to preserve jobs that would result from the square the negation of an already small living space for children in this area have very few places where to run safely. We stress, moreover, as Piazza del Carmine, is a highly abused Square (overlooking a room in each corner with lots of outdoor space and parking occupies almost all the illumination of the square).

For this reason, we strongly the only pedestrian zone (which is spatially limited) remains at the full enjoyment of all children and citizenship . Families living in Oltrarno hope that "the revival of the neighborhood" is not focused solely and exclusively on business but also on the quality of education services as well as on the promotion of space for play and creative development of children, children and all citizens.

Recall also that in many ways, already walking, the old town have set up outdoor spaces, providing only chairs and tables without impacting the use of any structure. Chairs and tables are removed at the end of the evening. If really necessary, a solution of this kind seemed most obvious, due to the location of that local. While we have brought to the attention of various stakeholders (policy, public education, property) with whom we have coordinated in October to now, these considerations are, of course, be completely disregarded.

Come cittadini, ancor prima che come genitori, riteniamo che una tale politica di concessione di suolo pubblico sia fortemente miope.

Gia durante i lavori per l’apertura del locale a fine anno scorso, abbiamo allertato le istituzioni e la cittadinanza prevedendo la richiesta d’uso di tutta la piazza ad uso privato del locale.

Vogliamo ribadire come per soddisfare le richieste di un privato appena insediato nella piazzetta, di fatto siano state trascurate le necessità dei 60 bambini della scuola, e che sia sottratto l’unico spazio pedonale di piazza del Carmine alla cittadinanza tutta .

Come cittadini residente nel quartiere, inoltre, siamo oltremodo stufi di sentirci dire dai gestori dei locali, and in particular the properties of the Cavalli Club, even arrogant manner in which the square was recovered from degradation (syringes, homeless, animal dung and human) due to their presence and their activism, because in years of daily visits to the site we have never encountered such degradation, instrumental and then the request is granted. On the contrary since the Cavalli Club opened its doors, and even before the start of the renovation of the building, the general state of the environment has been defaced. Impacting the final icing extremely terrace located next to a monument of art of all time as the church of the Carmine raises serious doubts about the meaning aesthetic of its proponents, despite bring a recognized name as a portrait of elegance and beauty. How is it that in the name of the god of money is proposed and we agree to everything? Even when there are avenues for compromise ....?

Under those circumstances the parents of the kindergarten F. Mazzei organized for the day Wednesday, June 17 from a 19 hour sit-in / presence in the plaza outside the school to reaffirm the need for residents to recover public land to public accessibility, based on the recovery of the square, invite the whole population in this event .


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