Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Aluminum Boat Repair Ontario

The police closed the Roberto Cavalli Club in Florence. Anthropology of the nightlife business

recovering from Kelebek blog

The Roberto Cavalli Club of Florence was placed under seizure by the court.

We have already devoted a few lines to Roberto Cavalli Club in Piazza del Carmine and his ineffable manager, Joseph Danilo Jacoviello , husband of the daughter of fashion designer Roberto Cavalli.

But I think it is of considerable anthropological interest understand how we have come to closure.

The other evening, at which translators, painters and other normal people if they are in bed, some ugly mugs turned idly to the center of Florence. The first was

Adrian Mutu, a post-extra- (since Romania joined in Europe), fan of cocaine.

[the rest here]

Monday, October 11, 2010

Installing Office Usb Drive Corrupted

Conference "The network of municipalities for the participation of young people"

L 'at the Hall 10/08/2010 Co NSILA the City of Riano Conference was held on the theme "The network of municipalities for the participation of young people organized by Ideactiva in 'Project scope P.AL.CO. (Participate in Town Hall) funded by the Local Plan 2007-2009 Youth of the Province of Rome.

meeting was attended by representatives of institutions and youth delegations of Commons who took part in the initiative.

The meeting provided an opportunity is to compare the experiences of various municipalities on active policies to encourage young people to "get closer" to the City, is the thinking of young people to participate.

Deputy Mayor of Riano, Ermelindo Vetrana, has emphasized the difficulties that most authorities meet to formulate proposals and projects aimed at promoting the integration of young people of the town with local tissue, and found very often a lack of attention and interest of its own by recipients of assistance.

Young people justify this by their absence is due to the difficulty of administration, at times, to satisfy the needs and basic needs of young people for a general disinterest of the youth population in relation to the facts of the municipality, as to anything that might appear as a politician.
The Deputy Mayor of the City of Morley, Gemma Quattrini, has announced the approval by the City Council of Morley of the resolution establishing the Council for young people, first among the municipalities involved in the project P . AL.CO.
In this respect, young people are anxious to stress that their desire to take part would try to be as apolitical as possible, or at least outside the local political spectrum, whereas the Youth Council a tool house, a real opportunity to make things and provide ideas to improve the reality of its territory reference.

The debate revealed a strong intention on the part of participants to collaborate on a joint and intra-city to begin to talk about participation and activities for young people no longer with the old structures and individualistic parochial known by the individual municipalities, but in a perspective of cooperation and networking between neighboring municipalities and from the same catchment area, an element found in the course of meetings held by the Ideactiva is that the scope of action of young people often goes beyond the municipal boundaries.

The conference concluded with a discussion among the participants in which they were raised further doubts and questions about the procedures for activation and operation of certain aspects of the Youth Council, to which members of the Association Ideactiva have been able to give answers, advice and operational solutions.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Electrostatic Air Filter

The network of Commons for the participation of young

Association Ideactiva is pleased to invite you to the meeting to be held Friday, Oct. 8 (16:30 to 18:30) at the Council Hall of Riano.

The event, attended by the Mayor of Riano, Nicola Regano, and the President of the Municipal Council of Riano, Marina Di Pietrantonio, provides for the participation of representatives of institutions and delegations of young people from all municipalities involved in the P. AL.CO, participation in the communicative, funded by the Province of Rome in the Young Local Plan 2007 to 2009.

will be an opportunity to compare the individual experiences of Commons on active modes of attracting young people to care for the public good and practice per affrontare problematiche legate al tema della partecipazione non solo politica ma anche civica.

I giovani avranno modo di riportare il loro punto di vista sulle azioni necessarie al fine di promuovere una più attenta politica locale ai bisogni della comunità giovanile.

Per info: ideactiva@ideactiva.org

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tech Deck Live Game Online

It is with great pleasure that we publish the last book, published by the University FIAB Gallimbeni Richard, No 6, devoted to school .
Written with passion and intelligence, the new notebook is packed with ideas for projects and initiatives on sustainable mobility and the promotion of cycling in schools. Since the publication
report a reflection that is a warning to us all: "It is often said that cultural changes are needed, this is true and we must act to promote them, but only support the activities of education, information and promotion can become an excuse for postponing other commitments. Sometimes in the face of difficulties to make real structural changes in administrators public to insist on the unwillingness of citizens to change habits, this can not and should not be an excuse for not addressing the real challenge today in Italy, structural changes the city "(" A school by bike, normality denied, "Arch . Gandolfi Councillor Paul Traffic, Mobility, Infrastructure, Public Works of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia).

With best regards from Chieri Move!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Best Thickening Mascara 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

Drivers License Diagram

Ideactiva @ Campus National Youth Meet & Lab Udine

L'Associazione Ideactiva ha portato l'esperienza del Progetto P.AL.CO. al Campus Nazionale Meet&Lab Giovani, organizzato dal Comune di Udine dal 28 luglio al 1° agosto 2010.

L'obiettivo del campus era coniugare le buone pratiche realizzate in Italia negli ambiti dell'autonomia, dell'orientamento al futuro e al lavoro, e della partecipazione alla vita istituzionale.

E' stato elaborato un videomessaggio indirizzato alle Istituzioni, che sarà presto pubblicatosu Youtube.

Il Campus è stato l'occasione per condividere con giovani provenienti da tutta Italia, non solo l'esperienza del Progetto P.AL.CO., ma anche l'intero Piano Locale Giovani 2007-2009 della Provincia di Roma, che si inserisce in un contesto diverso rispetto ad altre zone del paese: la presenza di un grande Comune come Roma, le difficoltà di movimento dei giovani residenti nei Comuni dell'hinterland, la carenza di mezzi di trasporto pubblici adeguati alle domande dei giovani.

Il Piano Locale Giovani della Provincia di Roma e, nello specifico, il Progetto P.AL.CO., mirano a raccogliere le istanze e le idee dei giovani residenti nei Comuni, per migliorare la qualità della vita di tutti.

Per maggiori informazioni:
- Articolo pubblicato su La Voce del Nordest Romano
- Comune di Udine
- Piano Locale Giovani della Provincia di Roma

Friday, July 9, 2010

Eml Series 100 Instruction Manual

Join the Youth City Council Meeting of Sant'Oreste

L’Associazione Ideactiva, in collaborazione con il Comune di Sant'Oreste, organizza l’incontro di presentazione del Consiglio comunale dei giovani di Sant'Oreste, che si terrà Martedì 13 luglio presso il Museo del Monte Soratte, in Piazza C. Caccia alle ore 17.00 per presentare il Progetto P.AL.CO (Partecipa To the City).

The initiative, funded by the Province of Rome in the Young Local Plan 2007-2009, aims to encourage youth participation in the institutional life of their town.

Participants at the meeting Councillor for Participation and Chief Executive Officer Maurice Serzanti young Andrea Diamond, who will illustrate the activities of the City for youth and the role of the City in the policies of attracting young people to the institutions

Ezequiel Iurcovich and Nico Romano Ideactiva Association, will explain the opportunities available to youth through the Youth City Council, and the importance of active participation young people in decision-making

The meeting will be distributed the guide "How to join the City Council of the Young" published by Ideactiva.

For information: Association Ideactiva - tel. 0636006259 - e-mail ideactiva@ideactiva.org

http://www.teverenotizie.it/consiglio-comunale-dei-giovani-santoreste-incontro-ideactiva-assessore-serzanti-palazzo-canali-caccia-museo-del- Soratte, A1, 1202.html

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Vegetarian Option For Wedding Reply Cards


Idea ctive Association, in cooperation with the City of Riano, organizes the presentation meeting of the municipal council of young Riano, which will be held Thursday, July 8 at the Municipal Cultural Centre "ex-Slaughterhouse" at 17:00 for presenting a project P.AL.CO (participation in the communicative).

The initiative, funded by the Province of Rome in the Young Local Plan 2007-2009, aims encourage youth participation in the institutional life of their town.

attend the President of the Municipal Council, Marina di Pietrantonio, outlining the activities of the City for youth and the role of the City's policies towards the of young people in institutions

Ezequiel Iurcovich and Nico Romano Ideactiva Association, will explain the opportunities available to youth through the Youth City Council, and the importance of active youth participation in decision-making

In the course of ' meeting will be distributed in the topics " How to join the City Council of Youth", published by Idea ctive.

For information: Association Idea ctive - tel. 0636006259 - e-mail ideactiva@ideactiva.org

Friday, June 11, 2010

Reset Alpine Digital Amp

Escursione in bicicletta Chieri-Carmagnola-Chieri, domenica 20 giugno

Sunday, June 20 to propose a hike in Carmarthen area.
The route mostly from the Railway Station of Chieri. You get to Changing diverting (Mary Magdalene) to the least busy Road Madonna della Scala. Then we move to the center of Santena and (bicycle) Villastellone come to, where lanes with two overpasses, you can graft on the road for Carmarthen, the only walk a few meters, because you turn immediately right towards the village Cornalese ( church, water mill). Then straight on along a few km of gravel road gravel (not recommended bike with narrow tires). Passed Fortepasso village, back sull'asfato and arrive early to sauces village, crossing the provincial Carignano. Once in S. Michele is a possible diversion of some kilometers in the park of the Po river, very nice (beach, bathroom payout). From S. Michael was in a km in the heart of Carmagnola, with the possibility to stop and visit any of the four museums (5 euro all).
For the return there are several options: it is a striking deviation (after a few kilometers of the province) in well-paved country road, surrounded by farms and villages, which brings us back to Villastellone, hence, if you wish, you can bypass and Santena change coming down the street in Chieri Fontaneto.
the next few days will define the route in detail.
In all about fifty miles, but flat roads, no traffic, with a little dirt road (probably the most difficult stretch) and many stops.
The date for the departure is at 9:30 in the station FS of Chieri. Return to approximately 16 hours (depending on stops). Packed Lunches.
Anyone interested is requested to communicate, possibly by Wednesday, June 16 to this e-mail, or the numbers 333 3882015 (Max) or 320 0606050 (Sandro), also with a text message.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Does A Malar Rash Hurt

to young people City of New Source

On 20/05/2010 at the City of New Source, a meeting was held with the theme "Join the Youth City Council" organized by Ideactiva part of the Project P.AL.CO. (Participation in the communicative http://www.palcoideactiva.blogspot.com/ ) funded by the Local Plan 2007-2009 Youth of the Province of Rome.

meeting was attended by the Deputy Mayor for Youth City Council, Maurizio Gucci, the members of the Association Ideactiva Ezequiel Iurcovich and Nico Romano, and young people of New Source.

Iurcovich, after presenting the P.AL.CO. Project, which aims to inform young people about the opportunities available to participate actively in the institutional life of their communities, taking part in the forthcoming establishment of the Youth City Council , focused on major aspects of these institutions for young people between 15 and 25 years, stressing that they constitute a "launching pad" to teach young people to participate to express their proposals on all topics of interest to them: the dall'orario local public transport, the intended use of the common areas (streets, public libraries), creation of youth centers to their operation.

Romano brought to the attention some of the data collected through questionnaires administered at the national youth of the town itself, about the lack of trust in local institutions of Youth, found in a mediocre knowledge of the Mayor, the activities of the municipality for the young people, and public spaces granted to them, urging the administration to give due consideration to the ways in which young people are informed about the initiatives and the events of their communities, to promote their activities.

Councillor has revealed the strong intention from the outset by the administration City to establish the City Council of the Young, considering the participation of young people in the city's basic policy for the advancement of youth policies and the general welfare of the City.
then intervened other representatives of the municipal administration: the Deputy Mayor and Councillor Durantini Coccaro. The first was received with much appreciation the initiative, praising the intentions especially as regards the solicitation of political activism of the Young, the second urged the administration to a continued strong commitment and constant in time for the creation of Community Councils Youth.
Councillor Guccini assured full support to the initiative for its establishment and for its maintenance over time, immediately invited the young people present to their collaboration required to achieve the goal of full functionality of the Municipal Youth Councils.

The meeting concluded with a discussion among participants during which young people were able to bring out doubts and questions about the procedures for activation and operation of certain aspects of the Youth Council, in open questions of their communities, different opinions about how to participate, along with a significant interest in this initiative. The young participants have undertaken to illustrate to their peers the information gained in the encounter, so as to create a community of knowledge among peers, in which individual experiences and knowledge are exchanged ( peer education), to form the basis of forming the City Council of young people.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Cards Anniversary Of Death

Appuntamenti con la bici il 23, 26 e 30 maggio

Dear friends,

we announce three appointments for the next few days.

Sunday, May 23, Bikes for the Charter of Fundamental Rights, including the farms of Andersonstown. Organised by Pro Loco of Andersonstown, under the Local Plan Youth Chieri. Meet at 15.30 in Piazza Italy in Andersonstown. The Association Chieri Move!-FIAB will be available for the development of the bicycle prior to departure. From 16 to 18, by bicycle between the farms Tavano, Lisa, trays and Tario, with tastings and musical accompaniment. At 19.30, apericena sponsored by the Pro Loco of Andersonstown. At 21, the presentation of the teams in the Tournament of Towns. From 22, concert Casana 8. Participation in the event is free and open to all. For information: Matthew Bergantin 339.6779311, 349.6654602 Mariangela Bertello, Silvia Gares 349.8317961.

The Young Local Plan is the tool promoted by local authorities in order to harmonize different interventions and to identify common objectives for the implementation of youth policies in local development-oriented whole and to increasing the participation of young people in local decision-making processes. The Province of Turin has adopted its Local Plan Young, providing for the establishment of sub local plans, including that of Chieri, involving the municipalities of Andersonstown, Arignano, Baldissero Torinese, Changing, Chieri, Isolabella, Marentino, Mombello, Montaldo Torinese, Turin Moriondo, Pavarolo, Pecetto Torinese, Pino Torinese Poirino, Pralormo, Riva at Chieri, Santena. Chieri is a city leader.

Wednesday, May 26, the fourth evening BICINTESTA Mobility active and healthy. " Move in an intelligent way to live better is the theme of European Mobility Week Sustainable 2010, to be held September 16 to 22. Integrating a bit 'of exercise in their daily movements, and adopt healthy eating and simple, are the key ingredients to feel good today with the body and mind, but also to ensure a better health in future years. We talk together on Wednesday evening from 21 pm, Youth Center of the square box 19. Posted by Chieri Move!, Patchanka Association and Move Equilibria. Participation is free and open to everyone.

Sunday, May 30, bike ride along the ciclostrada of Baltea. Move Chieri!-FIAB offers a quiet ride, from Ivrea to Chivasso along secondary roads, little traffic, for a total distance of 45 miles in the saddle. The trip includes a transfer from Chieri to bike + car and bike + train from Chivasso Chivasso in Ivrea. Ivrea cycle to descend Chivasso, where they will recover the car. Program:

7:45 am, meeting at Chieri, New Year's Eve street corner Andersonstown Road (opposite the nursery Sartorelli), loaded with bikes on the car.

8.00 am sharp departure from Chieri to Chivasso.

8:40 pm arrival in Chivasso Railway Station.

9.00 am local train to Ivrea 24815.

9:24 pm arrival in Ivrea. A brief tour of the historic center of Ivrea and include lunch at the historic bakery Balla.

11.00 am starting Chivasso. Stop for lunch before Mazza (lunch paid by participants). Possible stop at the Castle club. Stop at the Herd of Chivasso.

17-18 hours arrival at Chivasso shipment of bikes on the car and back in Chieri.

Bike Recommended changes with city bike or bike or hiking trip, preferably with a luggage rack and bag or basket with elastic back. Clothing.

Participation is open to all. Prices of railway tickets: € 2.70 per passenger in the second class + 3,50 € for the bicycle in tow. According to the number of participants will be able to get a discount from 20% to 30% on ticket prices due to Convention-FIAB Trenitalia.

I partecipanti dovranno inoltre versare 1,20 € per la copertura assicurativa per l’intera giornata per Responsabilità Civile e Infortuni FIAB (i soci Muoviti Chieri!-FIAB solo 0,90 €).

La prenotazione alla gita è obbligatoria, entro sabato 22 maggio, per poter comunicare a Trenitalia il numero dei partecipanti. Per prenotare, chiamare il n. 333.3882015 o scrivere a muovitichieri@gmail.com. All’atto della prenotazione è richiesto il versamento di una quota di 5€, salvo conguaglio, a copertura delle spese indicate sopra. In caso di maltempo la gita verrà annullata e la quota di partecipazione restituita.

Un cordiale saluto da Muoviti Chieri!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Make Type A Excelsior

Meeting in New Source

IDEACTIVA The Association is pleased to invite you to the meeting to be held Thursday, May 20 at the Hall of the Municipal Board of Fonte Nuova at 16:30 for presenting a project P.AL.CO ( participation in the communicative).

The initiative, funded by the Province of Rome in the Young Local Plan 2007-2009, aims to encourage youth participation in the institutional life of their town.

to attend the Youth Politics, Maurizio Gucci, who will present young people with the activities of the City for youth and the role of the City in policy of attracting young people to the institutions

Ezequiel Iurcovich and Nico Romano Ideactiva Association, will explain the opportunities available to youth through the Youth City Council, and the importance of active youth participation in decision-making

During the will be distributed to participants in the topics "How to join the City Council of the Young" published by Ideactiva.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Does Cold Weather Give You A Headache?

"Water common good"

Public Water, founded the Committee
(from http://www.civonline.it/index.php?cmd=dettaglio&id_rec=88207)

Even in Civitavecchia Italy as in all groups, parties, movements and free citizens have embraced the cause
Italian Forum will gather signatures for the referendum questions 3 through which the repeal of two laws 3 items. "We want to stop the privatization of water services
ripubblicizzazione to open and remove the profits from a resource that is common good and not good." 4 appointed spokesmen, Ricotti, Bonomi, Pierotti and Barletta

CIVITAVECCHIA - It is this afternoon at a meeting of the classroom Cutuli Pincio Committee Civitavecchia, for public water. This is a''rib''of the Italian Forum of movements for the public water present throughout Italy, which has already started the collection of signatures to prevent the privatization of water services in local government and then through three referendums to change the law Ronchi. At the city joined the Coordination Committee, trade unions Rdb-Civitavecchia, CGIL (Chamber of Labour and Public Administration), Federation of the Left, reformist Left, Freedom and Ecology, Coordination Committees''No''to coal, Marxist Leninist Party Italian, Civitavecchia There, the Veterans of Sports Committee, Piazza Clean, Environmental Forum, Grilli di Mare, the Greens and of course free citizens. As for the Democratic Party, joined for the moment only Edmund and Roberta Cosentino Galletta because the Democrats at the national level have already started to collect signatures for a bill. "With this choice and with the various initiatives that we will - have defined the new Board members - we want to say once and for all that water is a common good and a universal human right. No one can appropriate it, nor make us profits. " With three questions, the Italian Forum of Water Movements wants to eliminate all the rules in recent years have pushed privatization. The first question proposed for repeal Article 23 bis of Law n. 133/2008 on the privatization of public services in economic importance. "With this rule - explain the Committee - you definitely want to put on the market the management of the 64 ATO (about 92) that either have not yet proceeded to expectations, or have entrusted the management of water services to companies in total public capital. These without exception, will cease by December 2011, or may continue only on condition of turning into joint ventures with private capital to 40%. The second question is proposing the repeal of Article. 150 of the Environmental Code that would allow''''ripubblicizzazione water service. "Third - They explained - we demand the repeal of art. 154 of the Environmental Code that allows the operator to make a profit on price, charging the public a bill of 7% return on invested capital. " These are the spokesman of the Committee: Simon Ricotti, Angelo Pierotti, Valeria Barletta, Roberto Bonomi.

go to the previous post: http://grillidimare.blogspot.com/2010/01/per-il-bene-comune.html

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Black Stools After Drinking

Meeting in Capena!

Ideactiva The Association is pleased to invite you to the meeting to be held Wednesday, May 12 at the Council Hall of Capena at 17 for presenting a project P.AL.CO (Participation in the communicative).

The initiative, funded by the Province of Rome in the Young Local Plan 2007-2009, aims to encourage youth participation in the institutional life of their town.

attend the Mayor of Capena, Antonella Bernardoni, who will present young people with the activities of the City for youth and the role of the City in the policies of attracting young people to the institutions

Ezequiel Iurcovich and Nico Romano Association Ideactiva, explain the opportunities available to youth through the Youth City Council, and the importance of active youth participation in the processes decision

During the meeting the participants will be distributed the guide "How to join the City Council of the Young" published by Ideactiva.

Prom Dresses For 150 Or Less

Young of the City of Piazzi

On 29/04/2010 at the Council Hall of Morley, Borghese Palace, the conference was held with the theme "Join the Youth City Council" organized by Ideactiva in Project P.AL.CO. Local Plan 2007-2009 funded by the Youth of the Province of Rome.

meeting was attended by the Deputy Mayor for Policy of Tourism, Sport and Youth Policy of the Province of Roma Patrizia Prestipino, Dr. Sabrina Montebello and Dr. Livia Camele Department of Youth Policy of the Province of Rome, the Councillor for Social Policies of the City of Morley Gemma Genoeffa Quattrini, students from the Liceo Scientifico G. Steps Morley accompanied by the Headmaster Tens of Maria Rosaria Pirro, and members of the Association Ideactiva Ezequiel Iurcovich and Nico Romano.

Iurcovich kicked off the proceedings by thanking participants for the large membership meeting. He presented the project P.AL.CO. which aims to inform young people about the opportunities available to participate actively in the institutional life of their communities, taking part in the forthcoming establishment of the Youth City Council, this institute, aimed at young people between 15 and 25 years, was a "launching pad" to teach young people to participate to express their proposals on all topics of interest to them: the dall'orario local public transport, the intended use of the common areas (streets, public libraries), creation of youth centers up to their operation. In the Region are 40 municipalities that have already established the Youth City Council, including provincial capitals such as Latin America and Rieti.
During the conference, was presented and distributed to the participants in the thematic guide "Young and Institutions - The culture of participation ", published by the Association Ideactiva

Quattrini Councillor has expressed great interest by the City Council to establish the Youth City Council, has marked the absolute need for authorities to consider what they think young people and identified in this organism as a useful tool through which young citizens and institutions may participate in decision making.
Iurcovich has taken the floor to explore the theme of the Youth City Councils, outlining the main features, how to set up and operation.

L’intervento di Romano si è concentrato sulla domanda “cosa pensano i Giovani?” illustrando i risultati del questionario che nel mese di Marzo è stato somministrato a oltre 200 studenti del Liceo Piazzi. L’elemento più rilevante emerso è il contrasto tra la forte considerazione che i giovani hanno circa l’utilità della loro partecipazione alla vita politica (ben l’85% pensa che sia fondamentale) e la scarsa propensione a partecipare ad iniziative come quella del Consiglio dei Giovani (solo il 15% vorrebbe farne parte), che sono gli strumenti ideali per la partecipazione dei giovani alla politica. I giovani ritengono necessario agire in the political field, but are not ready to "take the field" personally and wanted someone else deal with it, due to a lack of confidence in the instruments of participation (in fact more than half said they are also willing to spend their time free for activities aimed at improving the municipality in which they live). Also, consider participating in a broader sense (participation in voluntary activities, local associations, local initiatives), although the results indicate a low propensity to associations as only 10% is part of a youth organization or volunteer work.

E 'also showed that young people are poco informati su quelle che sono le possibilità loro offerte per partecipare attivamente (quasi il 75% degli studenti non era a conoscenza dell’esistenza e del funzionamento dei Consigli Comunali dei Giovani). Su questo fronte Romano ha rimarcato come l’obiettivo principale del Progetto P.AL.CO. sia quello di fare incontrare Istituzioni, Associazioni che operano sul territorio e Giovani per rimediare a questa mancanza di informazione e attivare un circolo virtuoso di partecipazione e condivisione delle informazioni.

L’Assessore Prestipino ha infine marcato l’importanza del Piano Locale Giovani connessa al bisogno di incentivare la partecipazione politica dei giovani, lodando iniziative come to P.AL.CO. designed to encourage exactly this issue. He urged students to take advantage of the instrument of the Youth Council, an ideal place to decide personally on things that affect themselves, assuring them that "if you do not personally take care there will be someone else who will do so in their place, and not necessarily do it well. " The Councillor went on to leave the floor for students to hear their views both on participation in general and the Youth Councils in particular.

The conference was concluded with a discussion among participants during which students were able to bring out doubts and questions about the procedures for activation and operation some aspects of the Youth Council, open issues within their communities, different opinions about how to participate, and also of considerable interest to this initiative.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mini Dolls Patterns Waldorf

Conference in Morley Morley

Thursday, April 29, 2010 will be held in the Morley Town Council meeting to present the Youth.

attended by the Deputy Mayor for Youth in the Province of Rome, Hon Patrizia Prestipino, and the Mayor of Morley, Dr. Mark Commissioners.

will present the survey results will be made and distributed the Guide How to join the Youth City Council published by Ideactiva.

We look at 11 am in the Council Chamber of the Borghese Palace, in Piazza Cavour 2.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Soft Cervix Early Pregnancy Before Positive Test


Vi ricordiamo due prossimi appuntamenti organizzati da Muoviti Chieri! :

domenica 18 aprile, "RICORDARE, RESISTERE, PEDALARE" , giro in bicicletta sui luoghi chieresi della Resistenza, appuntamento alla stazione ferroviaria di Chieri, ore 14.30

mercoledì 21 aprile, "TURISMO BY BIKE" , terza serata Bicintesta, dedicata al cicloturismo, fenomeno in costante espansione, molto diffuso in alcuni paesi; con Antenore Vicari, consigliere nazionale FIAB e grande esperto di viaggi in bicicletta, affronteremo i principali aspetti del cicloturismo, per capire in pratica che cos’è e come si comincia; per chi non ha mai provato e per chi vuol saperne di più. To organize, perhaps, the next cycling holiday. Meet at 21, in association Patchanka, square box, Chieri.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Best Place To Buy Living Dead Dolls

Meeting in Mazzano Romano

Thursday, April 8, 2010 will be held on 1 meeting with the youth of Mazzano Romano. We will discuss the opportunities and how to participate actively in the decisions of the City and how to set up the Youth City Council. We wait in the Council Chamber at 18, Piazza Giovanni XXIII. For information, please write to ideactiva@ideactiva.org

Sims 2 Bon Voyage No Cd Patch Mac

draft resolution for assessment department for social policies

The following is the draft of the resolution we were working.
in red : request for information to be added in
yellow : text to assess and / or modify
in blue : proposals

write your reflections:

For an Observatory on childhood and adolescence

population range from the early years of life among adults to step presents complex issues, with issues of interest to both aspects those social sanitari, come già messo in evidenza da numerosi rapporti di ricerca e dalle osservazioni delle molte organizzazioni del volontariato e del terzo settore. 
Le criticità, messe in evidenza oramai da oltre dieci anni, non hanno trovato risposta esaustiva ed anzi, per certi aspetti, si sono aggravate, nonostante gli impegni messi in essere sia dalle amministrazioni pubbliche che private, sia dal generoso operare delle numerose associazioni che hanno attivato interventi in vari settori del mondo infantile e giovanile. Particolare preoccupazione è stata espressa dalle istituzioni scolastiche che pure hanno attivato tentativi numerosi di intervento.
(perché non pubblichiamo sul sito del forum i dati che are mentioned?)
In the province of Terni, according to data presented by the 'Observatory on provincial health and environment issues have been highlighted very disturbing, especially in terms of the determinants of health, especially social and environmental considerations. (we also publish this data? I do not find them)
At the same time there has been a large number of interventions implemented by different actors. However, separately and without stable forms of connection. E 'was also detected by the difficulty of local institutions, particularly against small towns.
(again: where it is registered? What difficulty? We publish everything!)

Recently, at the initiative of some parents' associations, representatives of the school, with the support of local government (municipality, province, region, and University of Perugia) ; Recently, at the initiative of some parents' organizations, representatives of the school, local health and the Chair of Hygiene, University of Perugia in Terni , has started a process of networking different actors operating in the voluntary sector that is was brought to public attention during the conference "And then we?" held in Terni on 20 and 21 November us
Under the experiences implemented by both institutional associations industry and the process started , with the convention of 20 November 2009, the group that promotes the establishment of the Permanent Observatory on Childhood and Adolescence, he will provide continuity to the dialogue started with mutual and equal government institutions local and social forces.
At the conference, the institutions of government locale ed alle forze sociali tutte, è stato avanzato un insieme di proposte concrete di intervento, la cui realizzazione richiede una collaborazione fra tutti i soggetti e si basa su un processo di coordinamento che deve necessariamente essere assunto da parte di un Ente locale. 
Dal momento che le attività riguardano l’intero territorio della provincia, riteniamo opportuno che gli Assessorati di riferimento assumano tale ruolo, chiamando a collaborare tutti i Comuni, per la funzione propria loro assegnata dalla stessa Costituzione, di tutela della salute e del benessere della popolazione che vive nel loro territorio, nonché tutti gli altri soggetti che sono portatori di interesse nel campo della protezione e promozione della salute e della qualità della vita dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza. 
A tal fine si propone di avviare un’attività progettuale relativa alla costituzione di un Osservatorio Permanente sull’infanzia e adolescenza, che si fondi sui diritti sanciti dalla Convenzione ONU sull’Infanzia. 
Finalità del progetto  
- organizzare un tavolo di concertazione permanente e periodico tra le associazioni, le rappresentanze del mondo giovanile, il settore scolastico ed educativo, i settori professionali e le istituzioni locali dell’intero territorio provinciale di Terni con il supporto di un mediatore per la conduct and summary of the meetings;
- within the rights of children and youth to bring out the strengths and weaknesses through a photograph, a real mapping of existing resources in the area (with accurate data and for shared all representations) sharing practices and documents;
- set up the Permanent Observatory for Childhood and Adolescence;
- search for resources, considering the possibility of involving including the costs for Ongoing assessment by professional observers outside the table the assessment of the territory of the proposed activities ;
- assess the relevant aspects (positive and negative) experience, and reformulate strategies based on the data collected.
The work of the action be considered as a monitoring and evaluation of land as all the services that are provided by public administrations and activities of institutions and professionals that lend themselves to grow and support the policies of the Child and adolescence.
In fact, anyone working in education, in social, education, politics and administration land but also any active citizen, is considered to be the bearer of this will.


The conceptual model will be those already defined in the guidelines from International Organizations, based on the principles and rights enshrined in the UN Convention.
cultural references of the fund will be a turnaround in the approach to work with the younger generation, by providing them with a permanent contact point and continuous , involving them nelle politiche di riferimento , dando loro voce onde raccogliere i loro punti di vista, i bisogni espressi e non espressi, le riflessioni e le indicazioni relative ai loro elementi valoriali, i loro modi interpretativi della realtà che vivono nei vari contesti in cui sono presenti. 
Lo strumento operativo del progetto è rappresentato dall’Osservatorio Permanente, volto alla promozione della salute e della qualità della vita, istituito con il sostegno degli Assessorati di riferimento. 
In esso troveranno la loro presenza tutti i soggetti portatori di interesse nel campo dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza, che si impegneranno formally to work together by signing a Memorandum of Understanding.

The Centre will be governed by a scientific committee coordinated by the Department, in which there are representatives of the school, health, local institutions, voluntary organizations and third sector of social forces.
It will operate on the basis of agreed work plan adopted annually, including multi-year value, the results of which will find space and visibility in the Standing conference on health , according to a protocol of cooperation from all shared.
Each subject in the framework of general policy and coordination, will operate in their sectors according to their methods of work and likely to be better managed.
The project will (should) be implemented in close connection with the 'Action From profiles to Patti for health ", undertaken by the provincial administration in conjunction with the Centre on health and the environment in order to avoid waste of resources and overlapping of interventions.
' s provincial administration will the maintenance of 'OIA / COPY / OPSI / ie to provide structures and means necessary for its operation, performing the functions of coordination and monitoring.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

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The Province of Rome Project awarded P.AL.CO.

In the Sala della Pace of the Palazzo Valentini
the President of the Provincia di Roma, Nicola Zingaretti, the provincial councilor
and Youth Policies, Patrizia Prestipino, rewarded, among others, the Project P.AL.CO. Ideactiva presented by the Local Plan under the Youth of the Province of Rome.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Old Milton Bradley Simon

Secondo incontro della serie BICINTESTA

Please note that Wednesday, March 24, at 21, at the youth center of the Caselli, in Chieri, will be held the second meeting of BICINTESTA series, organized by Move Chieri! in collaboration with associations and Patchanka MuoviEquilibri.
We discuss bicycle maintenance (basic things that every rider should know to avoid trouble), fitting the bike (useful things for the comfort and safety) and clothing (tips and tricks to get dressed in the most appropriate and comfortable, whether you use the bike every day in the city, both for excursions and longer trips). The evenings are not
BICINTESTA boring lectures, but pleasant chats, open to the contribution of all those who have something to ask, to tell, experiences to share.

you soon!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Vertigo After Stomach Flu

Observatory on Childhood and adolescence in Terni

Gentili associations and networks of association in the province of Terni

group proposing the conference on Childhood and Adolescence held in Terni on November 20 last year, invites you to participate in the formation of the group that deals with the design of the Observatory on provincial 'Childhood and Adolescence.

The participation of associations and ordinary citizens, employees or students involved is key to ensuring a policy centered on the rights of children and adolescents

The goal is to create a regional network that can monitor these rights and which may require enforcement notice where they are not respected, a network that coordinates and modules, evaluating the quality of the services promoted and that the area can share ideas and ad hoc approaches on specific issues.

We therefore, kindly reply to this email expressing their willingness to participate or not to participate.
The group at this time, meet in a weekly always in different places until it finds a home.
The next meeting is Thursday, March 25 at 16.30, at the Center for End-Umbro, who kindly grant us a room for the occasion.
The address is: Via Giovanni XXIII n.25.
If you can not come, due to organizational problems, and want to participate or stay informed subsequently, submitted to: foruminfanziaterni@gmail.com

on this blog can offer threaded discussions or report situations important share with everyone.

Monday, March 8, 2010

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The political participation of the Italians - Istat survey

A survey ISTAT emerge che il 23,3% della popolazione italiana di 14 anni e piu' non si informa mai di politica: quasi 11 milioni di persone. Nel Lazio la partecipazione è di poco maggiore: "solo" il 18% della popolazione non si informa mai di politica. Fonte: http://www.istat.it/salastampa/comunicati/non_calendario/20100308_00/