Tuesday, September 29, 2009

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5) Listening to children's services and places of normal

communication and dialogue with children and adolescents.
promotion and sharing of personal and family experiences related to the topic of listening.
Development of specific issues relevant to the growing child.
Listening and empathic identification.
Listening to trauma in the institutions.

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6) Children and Media: risks and opportunities

decoding messages and templates provided by the mass media.
risks and potential of new technologies.
creative possibilities of audiovisual media.
Guided tours and self-management of children.

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3) Mindful Parenting

inviting the leaders of this group to briefly describe the topic mentioned in the title to facilitate any discussion on.

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4) Lifestyle, health, sexuality and affectivity

Improving lifestyles making easy to follow a proper diet and therefore more healthy since weaning.
Improving lifestyles making it easy to move and exercise.
Improving lifestyles by helping young people to be smoke-free.
Improving lifestyles by creating the conditions for young people avoid the abuse of alcohol and other substances.

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2) Participation: urban space, time use, leisure and sport

deepen the relationship between children and cities and the prospects in Terni from PUC:
how children live, suffer, create the geography of the city, on various aspects of their lives.

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1) Include school, learning, school-family meeting

Imagine a school where the 'particular attention is paid to the needs of pupils and the "feel good" as the background of the pupil across all interventions.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

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the fourteenth day of lawlessness

Da quattordici giorni , è scaduta la licenza con cui il Comune di Firenze aveva concesso al Roberto Cavalli Club di Joseph Danilo Jacoviello - per poco più di 2.000 euro - un pezzo del centro storico di Firenze, per erigervi una sorta di tempio di metallo per celebrare le imprese dello stilista Roberto Cavalli.

Da quattordici giorni, l'oggetto è ancora lì, a tenere abusivamente occupato un pezzo di suolo pubblico della nostra città e a privare i bambini dell'adiacente scuola dell'infanzia Mazzei del loro spazio gioco.

is not the first case of abuse committed by Roberto Cavalli Club, but this time the infringement of the rights of the citizens of Florence is in the sunlight.

Friday, September 25, 2009

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Roberto Cavalli Club twelfth day of illegal occupation of public land

From twelve days, has expired the license it had granted to the City of Florence Roberto Cavalli Joseph Danilo Jacoviello a piece of the historic center of Florence, to erect a sort of bier metal to celebrate the business of fashion designer Roberto Cavalli.

For twelve days, the item is still there, to keep illegally occupied a piece of public land of our city and to deprive children of the adjacent primary school Mazzei their playground.

We wonder what would happen if the common traders in the neighborhood, who do not have saints in heaven, decided to turn in pieces of public land adjoining their business without their permission.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

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Roberto Cavalli Club, eleven days from abusive

the night between 13 and 14 September, you have given us city that has succumbed to the Roberto Cavalli Club a piece of the historic Piazza del Carmine, where the designer has installed a metal structure Pharaonic . A structure that has not only marred an important place in the historic center of Florence, but private of the adjacent primary school children of the place where to play. In

Following protests by the parents without the school and the whole neighborhood, the City of Florence has decided not to renew permission.

The structure would then be due immediately removed. Instead, the Roberto Cavalli Club, run by Danilo Jacoviello Joseph (husband of the daughter of fashion designer Roberto Cavalli), continues to use it regularly . Also this evening the tables were ready, to face the law. The

Roberto Cavalli Club thus enters the tenth consecutive day of illegal . This is not the first case of a fault committed by Roberto Cavalli Club, but this time one is struck by its dramatic nature.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

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The City of Florence says no Roberto Cavalli Club in Florence - Victory of the inhabitants of the Old Town

least in formal terms, we won!

The inhabitants of the historic center of Florence gathered round to children and parents of kindergarten Fioretta Mazzei, who protested against the occupation of a corner of the historic Piazza del Carmine by a metal structure of the Pharaonic Roberto Cavalli Club .

The Deputy Mayor of the City of Florence Dario Nardella has rejected a request by Joseph Daniel Jacoviello, manager of the Roberto Cavalli Club, who wanted to renew the permission granted by the previous unfortunately. We learn that for months for possession of one of the historic city, Roberto Cavalli Club had just spent € 2168.50 ...

say that we won at a formal level. In fact, the permit has expired - as the article says - Monday, September 14, but the bulky monster is still there.

When will the tow truck?

Roberto Cavalli Club Carmine

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

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Report Terni , Monday, September 7, 2009

Report Riunione

Terni, Lunedì 7 Settembre 2009

Oggetto: Organizzazione convegno finanziato dal Cesvol previsto per il 20 e 21 Novembre 2009.

Presenti all’incontro:

APAV , AVI, Arciragazzi “Castelli in Aria” , Legambiente, Coordinamento Genitori Democratici, Genitori si diventa, Movimento per l’Infanzia, Nuovo Sport Giovani - Cesvol – Operatrice facilitazione reti – Alessandra Della Spoletina


Lunedì September 7 at 17:00 the meeting took place on the network sponsoring the conference winner Financing Cesvol, specially designed to be made on 20 and 21 November, to coincide with the twentieth anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of

Group focused during the discussion the following points

  • Defining general objectives

    • interlocution Supervisor for Children: It was reiterated that the main objective of the conference is to create a table of comparison Standing with the new post of Commissioner for children established by Regione Umbria

    • Consolidamento della Rete progettuale

    • Ampliamento della Rete tematica a tutte quelle realtà che il convegno - e le attività che ne scaturiranno – sarà in grado di intercettare.

  • Gruppi di lavoro

    • Definizione obiettivi specifici: è risultata prioritaria la necessità di definire in breve tempo gli obiettivi specifici dei singoli gruppi di lavoro. Nella mappa organizzativa è stata inserita a questo scopo una voce specifica per raccogliere gli spunti di tutte le organizzazioni coinvolte.

    • Gruppo facilitazione: anche l’individuazione dei facilitatori è un’azione che sarebbe meglio realizzare a breve scadenza perché risulta importante organizzare un incontro preparatorio che consenta loro di guidare i gruppi in maniera coerente.

    • Esigenze organizzative: data l’importanza della facilitazione è stato deciso di inserire nei gruppi di lavoro anche un reportér che possa coadiuvare il lavoro del facilitatore, redigendo il report dei lavori del gruppo.

  • Organizzazione giornate

    • Location: da ultimi aggiornamenti, successivi all’incontro tra il Mov. per l’Infanzia e l’Assessore Regional Stufara Palazzo Gazzoli the location could be using the red and blue rooms for plenary and using the salt via aminal for workgroups.

    • Duration: the group converged on the implementation of the one-day conference on Friday, leaving aside the comparison with the institutions. Again updates about talks with the Deputy Mayor Stufara could address this in a more detailed decision. (We have made the decision on standby awaiting further information from those who participated in the comparison)

  • Relations with those involved

    • Il gruppo ha deciso di prendere parte all’organizzazione dei gruppi di lavoro e alla pianificazione delle/a giornate/a di convegno lasciando all’organizzazione capofila – Mov. per L’Infanzia – il compito di realizzare gli incontri con gli amministratori.

L’incontro si è concluso alle ore 18.40.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

How Much Does It Cost To Declaw An Adult Cat

Settimana Europea della Mobilità Sostenibile