Thursday, March 26, 2009

All Inclusive Ski Vaca

The only non-recyclable waste is the current mayor.

While the mayor inaugurated a movement "Civita Freedom", the name that
would mean his exit from the political life, but is nothing more than the usual gruel presented as a "consommé"
we support the initiative of the Committee for the national collection "door to door" to a Sit-
In a square of Pincio Saturday, March 28 at 17:00

This is however, the concept of Zero Waste program, the friends of Beppe Grillo have prepared and which we applied to our city, where instead of incinerators is still spoken and where the company Etruria Services serves only to divide among the usual suspects armchairs.

To understand the concept of Zero Waste, which is implemented by the State of California and is part of the action strategies outlined in the Blog Barack Obama you must start with these concepts:
a) anything that is not reusable, recyclable and compostable is a problem and needs to be replaced in the production cycle through a strategy sees institutions, businesses and universities work together here in the next 15 years
b) The ratio of jobs created by the industry of recycling compared to incineration, landfill is 15 to 1. Every 15 jobs for recycling it creates one for landfills and incinerators (source Conai)
c) The incineration, deprived of public funds (taxes of the citizens) is not claimed to be only from the point of view economico e risulta essere è il metodo piu’ costoso di smaltimento (fonte Wall Street Journal) e studio "Light myfire".
d) come provato da studi comparati la raccolta porta a porta rispetto a quella stradale con cassonetti permette oltre a maggiori percentuali di raccolta differenziata con migliore qualità anche un maggior risparmio recupero-energetico di materiali che altrimenti andrebbero gettati-bruciati e/o di nuovo prodotti nei cicli produttivi (fonte studio Tea-Mantova)
e) I danni economici da inceneritori variano da 4 a 21 euro a tonnellata smaltita, quelli delle discariche da 10 euro a 13 euro per tonnellata smaltita (fonte studio: "Environmental impacts and costs of solid waste: a comparison of landfill and incineration" 2008-Paris-Ecole des Mines)

Here are the steps to implement a policy of zero in its rifiuri City:
- plans to reduce waste, such as the European project "Less than 100kg per capita "products on tap, dematerialization, cloth diapers, tap water, composting, etc..
- agreements with companies and retailers to create systems to make empty. Put pressure on institutional levels for higher rates is the double-triple-bagged
- Open "Shopping for recycling" in every town where citizens can deliver and sell plastic and glass bottles, cans, paper in exchange for receiving bonus money. The value education of these stores is critical to understand that nothing is wasted
- for families and businesses, go to the recycling fee on time door to door through microchip (plus recycle the less you pay). The door to door as well as allowing to achieve high rates of recycling in a few months (from 65% to 85%) has the advantage of a push to reduce waste (this figure varies between -10% and -20% waste products)
- recycling in all schools (class by class) as approved in Treviso on the idea of \u200b\u200bCouncillor David Borrelli (Grillitreviso), universities, sports centers, cinemas, churches, workplaces in order to educate citizens in each
aspect of daily life - the realization of ecological islands for bulky waste and special / industrial. For a district / industrial area and possibly for a Common in towns between 10,000 and 20,000 inhabitants. Ecological islands of inter
for small towns - construction of anaerobic digestion facilities and composting with biogas-methane. The organic waste and agricultural waste before it becomes natural fertilizer for the fields contributing to the recovery of energy-producing methane biogas that can be used for local public transport (model Linkoping, Sweden)
- construction of modern recycling centers model Vedelago "where also non-recyclable residual waste (primarily those plastic-paper) specially selected manually or mechanically and can then be treated by 'extrusion' and transformed into compounds for the plastic recycling industry or synthetic sand for construction (to avoid digging in quarries)
- construction of mechanical-biological treatment for with the remainder of the organic part bioessicazione and their integration with the recycling centers model Vedelago. These systems can cost 75% less than an incinerator and do not affect the recycling and waste reduction. Some models of TMB (such as the Israeli Bioarrow) also allow the creation of biogas with the portion of organic waste recycling
not intercepted by the creation of a special- Research Center (one per province) in conjunction with local businesses and universities (with the creation of courses in eco-design) to study what has been selected and not yet recycled in production cycles so that companies are gradually replaced all the materials and objects riutlizzabili not be recycled or behave
- for most industrial waste 'problem that can not be treated differently to "cold", consider the techniques of oxy-combustion without flame-recover plastic, glass, aluminum from old closed landfills ( landfill mining)
- closing within the next 15 years for all landfills and incinerators "


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