Saturday, December 5, 2009

Bike Themed Birthday Cakes


We invite everyone to participate,
not be spectators but actors in history!

It starts today at 14 from Piazza della Repubblica
We will do the following route: Via delle Terme Diocletian

Via Giovanni Amendola

Via Cavour Piazza Esquilino Via
Piazza Santa Maria Maggiore Via Merulana

Viale Manzoni Via Emanuele Filiberto

Piazza San Giovanni
Piazza San Giovanni with music starts at 15.30
At 16.30 early intervention:
Massimo Malerba Spokesman NBD
Ascanio Celestini Actor
Magistrate Domenico Gallo
Boys Corleone - lands confiscated from the Mafia
Salvatore Borsellino - red diary
Liisa Liimatainen - Finnish journalist Alexander
Gilioli - Blogger
Ulderico Fish - Actor
Dario For & Franca Rame
Mustafà Sarr – Immigrazione – White Christmas
Moni Ovadia – Attore, Regista, Musicista
Renato Accorinti – Comitato NO PONTE
Carlo Cosmelli – Docente Fisica – La Sapienza
Margherita Hack – Scienziata astrofisica
Claudia Pellini – Federica D’alessandro Insegnante precaria – Studentessa
Antonio Tabucchi Scrittore – VIDEO
Giorgio Bocca – Giornalista
Josè Saramago – Scrittore (testo letto)
Francesca Fornario – Autrice satirica
Ascanio Celestini – Attore
Dalle 18.30
Inizio concerto con
Roberto Vecchioni
Paola Turci
Tete de bois
Er Piotta
e tanti altri…

Monday, November 30, 2009

Remedies, Marilu Henner

No Country for Old Men

Non è un paese per vecchi,
cito il nome di un film, ma il senso è che quì difficilmente si invecchia serenamente, ci avvelenano tutti fin dalla nascita, così dopo la centrale a carbone di TVN, le proposte di riconversione a carbone di un gruppo a TVS, le proposte di realizzare inceneritori e cementifici vari...leggendo l'inchiesta dell'espresso sull'"Italia dei Veleni" scopriamo come al solito di essere trattati come cavie sulla terra in cui viviamo e cito dall' articolo:

"Nella zona di Santa Lucia sorge uno dei più antichi poligoni for tests on chemical weapons. After the war there have been accumulated stocks of chemicals recovered in various military bases. Then

since 1996 have been concentrated there any gas kept secretly by the Italian army. It was at least 150 tons of mustard gas. 1104 tons of Adams, 44,200 liters of smoke aggressive 40 000 projectiles with chemical feedstock.

In 1993 came into operation in a secret experimental facility to neutralize these gases, since 1997 the structure was strengthened, and open to international inspections
: work at least until 2015. The waste of arsenic are imprisoned in concrete cylinders, stacked in the basis pending a final settlement che le renda innocue."

Come cittadini chiediamo di sapere la verità sui pericoli per la nostra salute e sicurezza e su quello che le istituzioni fanno per assicurarla a partire dall'amministrazione comunale.
Vogliamo vivere su di un territorio libero da tutti i veleni,
e ci batteremo contro tutti gli avvelenatori e i loro complici.

Aggiornamenti frutto di alcune ricerche in rete che non tranquillizzano
ma pongono domande di chiarimenti e informazioni maggiori sull'attuale situazione
della struttura da parte di tutte le autorità istituzionali coinvolte
It is already a parliamentary question to the Chamber of Deputies of Elettra Deiana Defence Minister on 22 January 2002 where he wrote:
"the journalist Antonio Mira The future of the newspaper, as we read his article and a
similar article appeared on October 21, 2001 in the newspaper
Unit, visited the military center in St. Lucia in Civitavecchia;
the military center of St. Lucia, about 70 hectares in the area Tolfa a few miles from the center of Civitavecchia, keeps a cache of weapons chimichebiologiche, residues of the First and Second World War, an Italian production and partly made in Germany and Austria
; is present in large amounts mustard gas, a liquid composed of sulphide clorodietano, particularly dangerous because it can hardly produce burns heal in time, the security of the military structure is entrusted to a private company, following the press reports the Chief Prosecutor the Military Prosecutor, dr. Intelisano, has ordered an inspection of the Carabinieri and has opened a file to determine the responsibilities of the lack of control of the complex of S. Lucia
because there was adequate supervision at the Centre which also is a highly sensitive target because 'if hit by a bomb or a missile could have very serious consequences for the spreading of the IPR environment;
because although Italy had adhered to since 1925 Geneva Protocol
signed by 42 countries committed themselves to ban chemical and biological weapons
, are still preserved mustard gas deposits of the first
War World (against which, inter alia, in the 80 events were made public in Civitavecchia and parliamentary questions were also raised in relation to the fact that in the colonial campaigns in Libya in '29-'30 and in Abyssinia in '35-' 36 Italian armed forces had made use of the IPR);
------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
2007 On November 16, 2007
Tana de Zulueta and the Regional Council of the Greens, Enrico Fontana, visit the NBC Technical Center of Civitavecchia.
Following this visit Tana has a Odg calling upon the Government that more resources be allocated to the military establishment, which receives no money from 2004, in order to complete the destruction of chemical weapons that are currently stored in the structure.

Agenda Commission III, Foreign and Community Affairs House of Representatives since:
the Technical Center Logistics Command of NBC Civitavecchia performs tasks
study, testing and applications of a military nature in the nuclear, biological and chemical, is also involved supply
materials and means of detection, protection and remediation, nuclear, biological and chemical
that one of its main tasks is that of destruction of chemical weapons
to achieve the goals set by the Paris Convention;
when there are well-stocked 20,000 shells containing mustard gas, which
destruction occurs very slowly due to lack of funds;
always for lack of funds, do not you make some time
maintenance of structures, deteriorating, can pose serious safety problems both
for the workers, who for the surrounding population;
funding of the center is done with funds from the Ministry of Defence with regard to
plant operation, the Ministry of the Interior for
travel expenses related to the activity `remediation in the country and from
Foreign Ministry for the implementation of the Paris Convention, the Government undertakes to make available within the first quarter of 2008 the funds allocated to the CETL NBC Civitavecchia to enable him by the end of 2008 to destroy projectiles and meet the time schedule agreed with the National Authority responsible for implementation of the Paris Convention.

Friday, November 13, 2009

European Candy For Sale

Should You Cover Lasagna While Baking

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Yeast Infection In My Dog

hypothetical conference program

P rogramme Conference "... And then we ???..."

twentieth anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of

(almost final program)

20 and 21st November 2009

Terni - Palazzo Gazzoli ;

Sponsored by the Umbria Region, the Municipality of Terni and the University of Perugia,

Friday, November 20

09.30 Registration of participants

10.00 am Presentation

Professor Briziarelli - Provincial Centre for Health and Environment

10.30 AM Greetings

Simone War - Councillor Youth, Education and Culture of Terni

Bucari - Councillor for Social Policies of the Municipality of Terni

Monica Dal Monte - Headmaster Orvieto

Sandro Romildo - Arciragazzi Casa del Sole Amelia

Contribution Pertichini Yuri Videos - National President Arciragazzi

12.30 Formation of Working Groups

13.00 Lunch

Opening Hours 15:00 Working Groups

school, learning, school-family

Participation: urban space, time use, leisure and sport

Parenting aware

Lifestyles, health, emotions and sexuality

Listening to children's services and places of normality

Children and Mass Media - New technologies: risks and opportunities

19.00 pm Closing of the working groups

Saturday, November 21

09.00 Greetings from the Mayor of Terni Sen. Leopoldo Di Girolamo

09.30 Report of the Working Groups

Speeches and Contributions

Contribution from the Conference of Narni

Angela Nava?)

Dr. Federici - ASL n. 4 (?)

Damiano Stufara - Councillor for Social Affairs and Housing Umbria Region

Contributed by Gianfranco Lamperini, President of Cesvol of Terni.

12.30 pm Closing Jobs

Professor Briziarelli - Provincial Centre for Health and Environment

Monday, October 5, 2009

Wedding Man Wearing Hat

Roberto Cavalli Club dehors abusive interrogation of the Roberto Cavalli Club

Florence, September 29, 2009 PRESS RELEASE


Councillor Spini group for Florence, Thomas Fats, along with Valdo Spini Parent submitted a question to the Mayor this morning to find out which is the orientation of the City on the metal frame placed last June by the local Horse Club, in Piazza del Carmine, just before leaving the school Fioretta Mazzei.

"In the query, please note that the Mayor Matteo Renzi attended the event organized by the parents of the school Mazzei against the metal structure that has appeared before the local horses 'Club', in Piazza del Carmine in the days immediately preceding his election by signing the request for withdrawal of for temporary structure - say the two directors and the Speaker of the Green Toscani Mauro Romanelli, who attended the event - Unfortunately we find that from that moment on, nothing has been done by the municipality to put an end to 'occupation' unwanted and dangerous. "

" The last administration had initiated a fruitful and peaceful dialogue to take cohesive all the needs and interests in the field between citizens and owners of the place, but suddenly and without no notice has been interrupted, and in June the City Council failed to authorize the facility. "

"Meanwhile, we also found that the local horses 'Club' has been repeatedly fined for abusing the licenses granted and the violations of the law on trade and public show in 2009. Now, we believe that the structure has already been too long to occupy the public space between the houses and the output of the kindergarten-Fioretta Mazzei. "

" To date the structure, even if the permit issued in June should be expired , is still standing - Thomas conclude Grassi, Valdo Spini and Mauro Romanelli - We presented the Mayor with the act if the City Council has considered the possibility to authorize the occupation of public land only during the night or at least from early evening hours, with a removable structure, it is believed that the authorization process has been transparent and formally correct, and if the agreement with the private sector provides automatic renewal of authorization, and finally whether the municipality intends to renew it anyway. "

******************************* ***********************************

Recalling that the Mayor Matteo Renzi participated in the demonstration organized by parents Mazzei of the school against the metal structure that has appeared before the local 'Horse Club', in Piazza del Carmine, in the days immediately preceding his election by signing the petition of the citizens for the withdrawal of the temporary structure;

Taking unacceptable to allow the occupation of public land for a platform covered in metal, outdoors, to be placed between houses and a preschool;

Since the authorization of the City stopped a fruitful and peaceful dialogue to take cohesive all the needs and interests in the field;

Noting that in the early months of the local 'Horses Club 'has been repeatedly fined for abusing the licenses granted and for violations of the law on trade and public shows;

verify that the structure of the Cavalli Club is still in place;

He questioned the MUNICIPALITY TO KNOW

- the reasons that led it to interrupt the dialogue with the residents

- if there were objective reasons to grant, in such a short time, the authority structure;

- if the authorization was given by City of restrictions with regard to materials and form of the structure or requirements with respect to the urban context, architettonico, storico e sociale della zona in cui si sarebbe inserita la struttura stessa;

- se il Comune ha valutato l’assoluta inopportunità di collocare una struttura pericolosa per i bambini davanti all’uscita di una scuola;

- se il Comune ha valutato l’opportunità di autorizzare l’occupazione del suolo pubblico solo in orario notturno o comunque a partire dalle ore pre-serali, con una struttura smontabile;

- se si ritiene che il procedimento autorizzativo sia stato trasparente e corretto formalmente;

- Quando scade l’autorizzazione rilasciata dal Comune per la struttura;

- Nel caso fosse scaduta, se l’accordo con il privato prevede un rinnovo automatico o se il Comune intende comunque rinnovarla

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Is Herpes Still A Disqualification For The Navy

5) Listening to children's services and places of normal

communication and dialogue with children and adolescents.
promotion and sharing of personal and family experiences related to the topic of listening.
Development of specific issues relevant to the growing child.
Listening and empathic identification.
Listening to trauma in the institutions.

Songs Arabic Birthday

6) Children and Media: risks and opportunities

decoding messages and templates provided by the mass media.
risks and potential of new technologies.
creative possibilities of audiovisual media.
Guided tours and self-management of children.

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3) Mindful Parenting

inviting the leaders of this group to briefly describe the topic mentioned in the title to facilitate any discussion on.

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4) Lifestyle, health, sexuality and affectivity

Improving lifestyles making easy to follow a proper diet and therefore more healthy since weaning.
Improving lifestyles making it easy to move and exercise.
Improving lifestyles by helping young people to be smoke-free.
Improving lifestyles by creating the conditions for young people avoid the abuse of alcohol and other substances.

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2) Participation: urban space, time use, leisure and sport

deepen the relationship between children and cities and the prospects in Terni from PUC:
how children live, suffer, create the geography of the city, on various aspects of their lives.

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1) Include school, learning, school-family meeting

Imagine a school where the 'particular attention is paid to the needs of pupils and the "feel good" as the background of the pupil across all interventions.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wedding Tulips Centerpieces

the fourteenth day of lawlessness

Da quattordici giorni , è scaduta la licenza con cui il Comune di Firenze aveva concesso al Roberto Cavalli Club di Joseph Danilo Jacoviello - per poco più di 2.000 euro - un pezzo del centro storico di Firenze, per erigervi una sorta di tempio di metallo per celebrare le imprese dello stilista Roberto Cavalli.

Da quattordici giorni, l'oggetto è ancora lì, a tenere abusivamente occupato un pezzo di suolo pubblico della nostra città e a privare i bambini dell'adiacente scuola dell'infanzia Mazzei del loro spazio gioco.

is not the first case of abuse committed by Roberto Cavalli Club, but this time the infringement of the rights of the citizens of Florence is in the sunlight.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Mount And Blade Shuts Down Computer

Roberto Cavalli Club twelfth day of illegal occupation of public land

From twelve days, has expired the license it had granted to the City of Florence Roberto Cavalli Joseph Danilo Jacoviello a piece of the historic center of Florence, to erect a sort of bier metal to celebrate the business of fashion designer Roberto Cavalli.

For twelve days, the item is still there, to keep illegally occupied a piece of public land of our city and to deprive children of the adjacent primary school Mazzei their playground.

We wonder what would happen if the common traders in the neighborhood, who do not have saints in heaven, decided to turn in pieces of public land adjoining their business without their permission.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

08 Altima Coupe Headers

Roberto Cavalli Club, eleven days from abusive

the night between 13 and 14 September, you have given us city that has succumbed to the Roberto Cavalli Club a piece of the historic Piazza del Carmine, where the designer has installed a metal structure Pharaonic . A structure that has not only marred an important place in the historic center of Florence, but private of the adjacent primary school children of the place where to play. In

Following protests by the parents without the school and the whole neighborhood, the City of Florence has decided not to renew permission.

The structure would then be due immediately removed. Instead, the Roberto Cavalli Club, run by Danilo Jacoviello Joseph (husband of the daughter of fashion designer Roberto Cavalli), continues to use it regularly . Also this evening the tables were ready, to face the law. The

Roberto Cavalli Club thus enters the tenth consecutive day of illegal . This is not the first case of a fault committed by Roberto Cavalli Club, but this time one is struck by its dramatic nature.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

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The City of Florence says no Roberto Cavalli Club in Florence - Victory of the inhabitants of the Old Town

least in formal terms, we won!

The inhabitants of the historic center of Florence gathered round to children and parents of kindergarten Fioretta Mazzei, who protested against the occupation of a corner of the historic Piazza del Carmine by a metal structure of the Pharaonic Roberto Cavalli Club .

The Deputy Mayor of the City of Florence Dario Nardella has rejected a request by Joseph Daniel Jacoviello, manager of the Roberto Cavalli Club, who wanted to renew the permission granted by the previous unfortunately. We learn that for months for possession of one of the historic city, Roberto Cavalli Club had just spent € 2168.50 ...

say that we won at a formal level. In fact, the permit has expired - as the article says - Monday, September 14, but the bulky monster is still there.

When will the tow truck?

Roberto Cavalli Club Carmine

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Honey And Mumford Quotes

Report Terni , Monday, September 7, 2009

Report Riunione

Terni, Lunedì 7 Settembre 2009

Oggetto: Organizzazione convegno finanziato dal Cesvol previsto per il 20 e 21 Novembre 2009.

Presenti all’incontro:

APAV , AVI, Arciragazzi “Castelli in Aria” , Legambiente, Coordinamento Genitori Democratici, Genitori si diventa, Movimento per l’Infanzia, Nuovo Sport Giovani - Cesvol – Operatrice facilitazione reti – Alessandra Della Spoletina


Lunedì September 7 at 17:00 the meeting took place on the network sponsoring the conference winner Financing Cesvol, specially designed to be made on 20 and 21 November, to coincide with the twentieth anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of

Group focused during the discussion the following points

  • Defining general objectives

    • interlocution Supervisor for Children: It was reiterated that the main objective of the conference is to create a table of comparison Standing with the new post of Commissioner for children established by Regione Umbria

    • Consolidamento della Rete progettuale

    • Ampliamento della Rete tematica a tutte quelle realtà che il convegno - e le attività che ne scaturiranno – sarà in grado di intercettare.

  • Gruppi di lavoro

    • Definizione obiettivi specifici: è risultata prioritaria la necessità di definire in breve tempo gli obiettivi specifici dei singoli gruppi di lavoro. Nella mappa organizzativa è stata inserita a questo scopo una voce specifica per raccogliere gli spunti di tutte le organizzazioni coinvolte.

    • Gruppo facilitazione: anche l’individuazione dei facilitatori è un’azione che sarebbe meglio realizzare a breve scadenza perché risulta importante organizzare un incontro preparatorio che consenta loro di guidare i gruppi in maniera coerente.

    • Esigenze organizzative: data l’importanza della facilitazione è stato deciso di inserire nei gruppi di lavoro anche un reportér che possa coadiuvare il lavoro del facilitatore, redigendo il report dei lavori del gruppo.

  • Organizzazione giornate

    • Location: da ultimi aggiornamenti, successivi all’incontro tra il Mov. per l’Infanzia e l’Assessore Regional Stufara Palazzo Gazzoli the location could be using the red and blue rooms for plenary and using the salt via aminal for workgroups.

    • Duration: the group converged on the implementation of the one-day conference on Friday, leaving aside the comparison with the institutions. Again updates about talks with the Deputy Mayor Stufara could address this in a more detailed decision. (We have made the decision on standby awaiting further information from those who participated in the comparison)

  • Relations with those involved

    • Il gruppo ha deciso di prendere parte all’organizzazione dei gruppi di lavoro e alla pianificazione delle/a giornate/a di convegno lasciando all’organizzazione capofila – Mov. per L’Infanzia – il compito di realizzare gli incontri con gli amministratori.

L’incontro si è concluso alle ore 18.40.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

How Much Does It Cost To Declaw An Adult Cat

Settimana Europea della Mobilità Sostenibile

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Stevie Nicks- Asu 2010

convention "to protect children and adolescents by promoting"

Report Riunione

Terni, Venerdì 31 Luglio 2009

Oggetto: Organizzazione convegno finanziato dal Cesvol previsto per il 20 e 21 Novembre 2009.

Presenti all’incontro:

APAV – Maria Grazia Macchiarulo

AVI – Francesca Leprotti e Marco Marongiu

Arciragazzi “Castelli in Aria” – Daniele Lucarelli

Legambiente – Andrea Liberati

Coordinamento Genitori Democratici – Angela Caputo

Genitori si diventa – Anna Rita Zara

Movimento per l’Infanzia – Giuseppe Tardioli

Cesvol – Operatrice facilitazione reti – Alessandra Della Spoletina


Venerdì 31 Luglio alle ore 11,00 ha avuto luogo l’incontro della rete promotrice del Convegno v i ncitore del Finanziamento Cesvol , appositamente pensato per essere realizzato nei giorni 20 e 21 Novembre, in concomitanza con il Ventennale della Convenzione ONU sui diritti dell’infanzia

Il gruppo si è focalizzato durante la discussione the following points

  • Sharing the objectives of the conference

L ' main objective is to open an opportunity for comparison between different parties on issues of policy for children and adolescents.

Associations, teachers, parents, players and officials responsible for services, administrators and students will have the ' opportunities through the division of participants into working groups of give rise to ideas in order to articulate GREEMENT program of Regional and local and the establishment of concertation tables Advisory , acts the planning and monitoring experience.

One possible instrument of the network that may represent one of the outcomes of the conference will be published periodically in the economy but widely circulated.

In the days of meeting will also seek a link with specific experience of European, national and local authorities to promote and exchange best practices.

All present were unanimous in ' avoid the classic pathways of politicians or experts, urging everyone to give their contribution to ' internal working groups, with a horizontal mode of comparison points to enhance the story experience of parents, students, teachers and in a ' optical organizational and participatory democracy.

Last week was also detected the figure of the Guarantor for the ' Children and those present said they were agreed to use the conference as an opportunity constituting a permanent table comparison with that institution is trying to exert pressure to achieve the prominence that this ' social worth.

  • Sharing c ONTENTS u will be conveyed through the Conference

The working groups set up for participants at the meeting were confronatati will be:

  • management relationship with the media electronic
  • Include school, learning, emotions, family relations school
  • City space, time of use of space, time, leisure and sport
  • The early stages of parenting and parenting aware
  • Lifestyles, health, education, sexuality
  • Listening to the child in services and places of normality

The way individuals tend to prefer to ' internal working groups moments of reflection and interspersed with experiential to put all participants in a position to make a contribution and to become aware through some small experience of the content that we intend to convey (eg use of computers, pr and disp or position of stations for showing videos, etc.).

The conference then must be a double opportunity: on the one hand to strengthen the bonds of the local network which seeks to structure, dall altra un esempio di confronto positivo ed innovativo che superi le modalità classiche e si imponga all attenzione nei risultati, nelle modalità e nei contenuti.

  • Organizzazzione

Proposte emerse relativamente alla parte più squisitamente organizzativa:

  • Per la struttura da utilizzare si pensato all’ex Siri in quanto c’è la possibilità di spazi sia per i lavori di gruppo che per l’eventuale presenza attiva di bambini e inoltre la gratuità della stessa.
  • Si è detto di preparare un documento in fase preparatoria per gli amministratori in modo che conoscano fin da prima che cosa accadrà nelle due giornate e che cosa ci si aspetta da loro in termini di progettazione, impegni specie di tipo interistituzionale. Inoltre sarebbe importante che ogni istituzione coinvolta individui al proprio interno alcuni rappresentanti che potrebbero essere coinvolti in fase di preparazione sia sugli aspetti generali che sugli argomenti particolari, col compito poi di socializzare l’esperienza all’interno del proprio Ente per rispettare gli impegni presi duranet i lavori.
  • E’ emersa l’opportunità di coinvolgere gli stessi bambini e ragazzi nel convegno, predisponendo spazi e tempi rispettosi della loro identità individuando appropriate language and situations that reveal clearly their contribution, their expertise on various issues.
  • To listen to the child in the services and institutions has proposed extending the processing not only children in conditions of suffering as victims or object on technical intrusive but to all stakeholders in children and adolescents in different family contexts, educational etc.
  • On parenting has proposed to focus a lot on ' item " awareness "
  • It is said that beyond the contingency related to the Gelmini reform must analyze the historical causes deeper that have been made diff the cult processes aiming to establish a full sc uola as a community is ducante (made by teachers, pupils, parents, territory ). The involvement of different bodies would allow 'emission credits.
  • It is p ROPOSAL of make u na documentation of what happens in the conference with logging tools by define
  • E ' proposed the creation of a site through which all support the work of preparing the conference and beyond that you are dealing with Marco Marongiu.
  • As a method it was suggested to form king, a coordination group working up to 20 and 21 November with a clear division of labor that allows the maximum r esponsabilizzazione and autonomy of the individual components and subassemblies.

Alle ore 13.00 la riunione si è conclusa con la decisone di convocare un incontro all’inizio d settembre e di continuare il lavoro attraverso lo scambio di materiali e informazioni via mail, ovviando alla difficoltà di incontrarsi dovuta alla pausa estiva.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Pole Vault Club Richmond

Terme Public or Private Interest?

The Prosecution of Civitavecchia, initiate an investigation on the approval of the regional variation Spa, led by deputy, Dr. Pantaleo Polyphemus.
We express confidence in the judiciary and we ask the same questions: Why

the Lazio Region has not been considered the report of the State Forestry areas covered by fire in the summers of 2006 and 2007 involved the so-called variant spa?
The areas covered by the variant are actually entered in the calculation of space requirements for residential and commercial in breach of the framework law on forest fires? [November 21, 2000, No 353, which provides: ART 10 - "The wooded areas and pastures in the stands have been affected by fire may not have a destination other than that existing fire for at least fifteen years."]

express sharing the merits of the opposition and solidarity with the director Alexander Manuedda, accused of being an instrument of the "enemies of the" vulgar in attacks by the first deputy mayor and then Sandro De Paolis.
But what kind of project we talking about? to use the land for private enrichment of our city by building houses and shopping malls?
What to do with the construction of public baths still another reason?
Public interest would be the development of tourism and spa area, which is incompatible with the choices of underdevelopment of this administration, from the sale of land to dump coal Enel.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Shooting Pain From Inner Right Thigh Down Leg

Day of silence for freedom of information online.

Friday, July 10, 2009

How To Tell Temp Of Oil Without Thermometer

not Bruciamoci the future

Other than miraculous plant "Arrow-Bio", the collection should be door to door! Saturday, July 11
Tomorrow kicks off the collection of signatures for a proposal of regional law of popular initiative on waste.

not Bruciamoci the Future

fully share the objectives of the Coordination for the city to ensure waste collection door to door.

"The main objectives of the law - said on behalf of the Coordination Maurizio Puppi - are: to eliminate the incineration system as toxic, expensive and unnecessary for citizens if it differs, implement separate collection 'door to door' to reduce, reuse, recycle, recover from waste raw materials needed and resale build clean plants for composting organic materials and recycling center for the recovery of the dry waste and introduce the fee on time that 'those who produce more waste pay more' and reduce the bill of those who put in place virtuous practices of waste reduction (eg home composting, buying products with less packaging such as washing 'on tap', use of reusable nappies , etc.) "..

We also invite people to sign the bill at the tables will be set up Saturday, July 11 to Piazza Regina Margherita from 9:00 to 13:00 and evening at Piazza Fratti (Ghetto area) from 17:00 to 23:00.


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With Greenpeace!

fully agree with the following statement of the Environmental Forum:

The actions of Greenpeace and the mystifying information ENEL

The Environmental Forum expresses its solidarity and support to members of Greenpeace who organized peaceful protests in some coal-fired Italian, including Civitavecchia to emphasize the futility of any summit on climate change, like to be held at the G8, until the energy policies not to ban the use of fuel among the most damaging among fossil fuels: coal. A
action, to Greenpeace, stressing that the large amount of greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants associated with coal combustion, goes to fill the silence of the national and local institutions in the face of serious shortcomings in terms of administrative and environmental distinguishing these projects, first of all with the conversion of TVN, including the recent suspension of the EMAS certification and the imposition of the renewal of the Integrated Environmental testify.
Grave is then that ENEL, and how many for it, have also used this opportunity to continue to feed the unproductive and dangerous confrontation between workers and citizens who for years have torn the fabric of the city and to propagate a sequence of real falsehood which define the system to "100% clean coal" or say that C02 emissions will be reduced by 18% compared to the old system.
clean coal as clean if not, to cite one example, can not even respect the limits imposed by the Commission of 50 mg/Nm3 IPPC for carbon monoxide on the basis of the provisions of the European papers about the best available technology which the central TVN should do. We read in the note
ENEL prot. 22192 of June 9, 2009 that "... ... is required to be re-evaluated the CO emission limit prescribed ..." and that "The failure to implement this request ... would in fact not esercibilità plant."
like saying North Torrevaldaliga can not operate without polluting.
E 'hardly necessary to remind that according to The European Agency for the Environment exposure to carbon monoxide, even at low concentrations, poses a danger to human health that results in an increase in the number of deaths and an increase in cardiology visits, angina and heart attack, transient ischemic attack and stroke, the infezioni respiratorie e di visite per malattie dell’apparato respiratorio (in particolare la brocopneumopatia cronica ostruttiva, BPCO).
Così come la tanto sbandierata diminuzione del 18% di Anidride Carbonica (CO2), non trova riscontro in alcuno dei documenti ufficiali dove invece si legge che le emissioni di CO2 saranno pari a 10.730.000 T/a (DEC.MAP 55/02/2003) a fronte delle 7.338.833,7 T/a emesse dal precedente impianto ad olio combustibile (registro INES 2002).
Quantità enormi che, oltre a concorrere significativamente all’aumento dei gas climalteranti ed ai conseguenti cambiamenti climatici, porteranno l’Italia a sforare il tetto di emissioni consentite e, per questo, a pagare pesanti sanzioni.
Add to this that the Ministry of Environment has imposed the renewal of the Integrated Environmental, which, today, the panel is exercising its activities without authorization and that such an event on the body energy, as well as institutions have not felt any need to inform the people there realize what kind of information that appeals to ENEL that a one-way, the sense of corporate profits.
Luckily, though, there's Greenpeace!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Chilblains And Vitamin K

Roberto Cavalli Club, the city prohibits abusive

We have already told irruption of the NAS Carabinieri Roberto Cavalli Club di Piazza del Carmine a Firenze (gestita da Joseph Danilo Jacoviello, il genero dello stilista Roberto Cavalli), e abbiamo riportato anche il testo del provvedimento con cui il Comune di Firenze vietava "ogni e qualsiasi attività di pubblico spettacolo " nel locale.

Adesso riportiamo qui, per un preciso motivo che vedremo presto su questo blog, l'articolo di Repubblica che parla del provvedimento.

Cavalli, la discoteca era abusiva

Repubblica — 30 maggio 2009 pagina 1 sezione: FIRENZE

PALAZZO Vecchio vieta le danze nel Cavalli Club di piazza del Carmine.

"This order to cease any and all public entertainment activities", is written in the managerial decision notified on May 27 to Joseph Daniel Jacoviello, legal representative of "The Court Ltd., which manages the local ownership of the famous Florentine designer Roberto Cavalli was born right next to the church with the frescoes of Masaccio in a former Waldensian chapel, now disused.

means that will no longer show dj in console or you can use the 'wide corridor of the room as the dance floor , which took place on 22 February when the police ascertained that the Nas' When' inspector 's restaurant business was completed, while the dance was being practiced by about 30 people, with live music by DJ console officer. " A clear violation of Articles 68 and 80 of the Consolidated Public Safety , which requires to pursue the 'public entertainment activities a' municipal authorization and verification of 'fitness for use of the premises, which now are not there.

For this three days ago, the city manager Valarie Cantafio Casamaggi signed the measure that requires a halt to 'public entertainment activities. It 's a new tile for Horses: Only two months ago, the city police and the local health authorities seized a large quantity of food expired coffee Giacosa Via della Spada, the 'other acquired by a local designer. - Ernesto Ferrari

Joseph Danilo Jacoviello Roberto Cavalli Rachele Cavalli yacht
Jacoviello Daniel Joseph, Roberto Cavalli and Rachele Cavalli on one of the family yacht

Carolina Biological Supply Company Answers Lab 5

Yab Yum club, Colle Bereto pepper and Full closed up cocaine

Those who oppose the invasion of the historic center of Florence by powerful economic interests can easily feel overwhelmed by the disparity of resources.
is why from time to time, it's good to listen to good news. Like this.

FLORENCE. Thirty orders of arrest - from prison and home - and four indoors. And 'the outcome of an investigation by the prosecutor of Florence, led by the mobile team, on drug trafficking and drug use, especially cocaine, in nightclubs, "attended - said in a statement - from people in the' Firenze good '." The closed areas are the "Yab Yum", the "Hill Bereto", the "Hot Pepper" and "Full up". Based on the findings from surveys, "the managers of local - continues the note from the police - with the personal involvement of staff, taking telephone talks with the dealers , that provided the delivery of outdoor areas or to ' inside the same premises. Cocaine use has been documented in the private from the cameras. "
Tonight, an operation called 'White Nights', led to the closure of four local and" more than thirty arrests and fifty-two raids in homes, clubs and professional studies. "Surveys, with shadowing and wiretapping, "was found - the note concludes - that the premises represented in some cases the linking element between drug dealers and drug users. The astonishing given in most cases it was cocaine, with deliveries to more than 300 grams.

The phenomenon was widespread and "normal" to have become a sort of promotion for local label themselves. were Consumers also reported eleven including a lawyer, an architect, a dentist. No results were found minors to consume. The investigation lasted over a year with stalking, photos and movies. There have been 48 searches: often in the homes of owners Avenano feasts based drugs. The premises were closed with criminal seizure.

(June 23, 2009)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Biffy Clyro Piano Sheet Music

Local Roberto Cavalli, fighters seize expired foods

This news about the coffee Giacosa in Florence, owned by Roberto Cavalli , is taken from Republic and dates back a few months ago, but may be useful to understand a certain way of working. On the same theme, we also an article in the Corriere Fiorentino .
Blitz brigade expired food seized by Giacosa

Republic - March 26, 2009 Page 1 Section: FLORENCE
FOOD expired in coffee Giacosa, owned by fashion designer Roberto horses. Tuesday the policemen entered the historic cafes of Via Tornabuoni and Via della Spada for a check and found frozen food or frozen expired on its own and therefore, according to medical standards, can not be used for administration to the public. So is triggered seizures carried out by the staff of 'ASL 10 of Florence.
Operators' s health company have taken away 8.5 pounds of expired and frozen meat and fish, 17 pounds of bread, pasta and starchy foods in your frozen (raw or cooked) and five large containers plastic in its frozen sauces. It was a routine check, as hundreds took place on public premises, carried out during the afternoon of Tuesday.
But in the two cabinets that have controlled the city police, c 'was the surprise. A surprise for them cops, they were doing a normal control routine. And though they found 8.5 kilograms of expired and frozen meat and fish, 17 kilograms of bread, pasta and starchy foods in their frozen (raw or cooked) and five large plastic containers with frozen sauces and so on their own, according to health, not suitable for administration to the public.
All this in one of the most famous bar in the center of Florence, the historic coffee Giacosa, that the designer Roberto Cavalli manages a few years. "No warning, no exposed," but to take the state cops. He is a normal control - like the hundreds held on the premises during the public the afternoon of Tuesday. Yet the two big neighbors to the kitchen cabinets were tens of kilos of frozen food that expired would have ended up on the tables of the historic coffee . Municipal police officers so they immediately called the staff of 'ASL, which has carried out the seizure of the goods.
Giacosa is one of the most famous cafe in Florence. The classic fine pastries for dessert and a drink with hazelnut-based "Negroni". In 2001, Roberto Cavalli has taken the place an angle bar: the walls and floor like animal prints, videos and music shows in loop-style Buddha Bar A piece di storia rivisitato ma sempre più modaiolo, come la sua clientela. Proprio accanto c' è il negozio Cavalli .
E il caffè Giacosa non è tra l' altro l' unico locale che lo stilista gestisce a Firenze: proprio di recente ha aperto un ristorante in piazza del Carmine , all' interno di un' antica cappella sconsacrata (al lato della chiesa) che è stata restaurata a sue spese. «Ci siamo rimasti tutti molto male, teniamo particolarmente alle regole e questa purtroppo ci è sfuggita. Si trattava di merce non etichettata correttamente ma non avariata, posso garantirlo. Siamo molto amareggiati e promettiamo che non accadrà mai più nothing like it, "promises Lucilla Tacconi, nephew of Roberto Cavalli and director of coffee Giacosa.
Now the 'ASL will prepare a report on' happened to be forwarded to the police, to which it will decide on any instructions given by the club. The operators are already convinced that coffee will not be restrictive measures such as closure. - Ernesto Ferrari

Friday, June 19, 2009

Ottawa Imax Gloucester

Horse Club, the Greens are against and denounce illegal

Our initiative is completely apolitical, but thank any individual or political party that supports our rights, respect for our autonomy.

release of Verdi in Florence

HORSE CLUB - Piazza del Carmine. Romanelli and fats (VERDI): "Let CLARITY on authorization by the City." "THE CLUB HAS NOT RESPECTED THE LAW ALREADY 'on several occasions"
Mauro Romanelli, regional spokesman for the Greens in Tuscany and Thomas Grassi, newly elected Councillor in the list 'for Spini Florence' in the City Council attended yesterday afternoon at event organized by the parents of the school Mazzei against the metal structure that has appeared before the local horses 'Club', in Piazza Carmine.

"It 's an incredible situation: a platform covered outdoor metal placed between houses and a kindergarten assembled and approved by the city in record time against the advice of parents, with whom he had an ongoing dialogue cohesive to hold all the needs and interests in the field. -State representatives - Unfortunately, for the umpteenth time in Florence and private interests have triumphed over those of economic and community residents. "

" We will ask just installed the new City Council with a question the motivations that led to stop dialogue with the residents and if there were objective reasons to issue, in such a short time, the authority structure. "

" Moreover, the structure appears not to have received by the municipality no constraint with regard to materials and form, or no requirements regarding the attention to be given the urban context, architectural, historical and social area. We have been even worse had placed in front of the exit of a school, a dangerous structure for children who could during the day, when the space is closed, get hurt climbing or bumping into the sharp edges of the platform. "

"Finally we found out - claim the Greens - che il locale già nei primi mesi dell’anno è stato ripetutamente multato per aver abusato delle concessioni rilasciate e per le violazioni della Legge sul commercio e sul pubblico spettacolo. Approfondiremo per scoprire se anche nel caso della pedana esterna ci sono delle irregolarità sulle autorizzazioni rilasciate dal Comune."


Club Roberto Cavalli, hundreds of Florentines appear to remove the gazebo and the livability of the neighborhood

Mercoledì scorso, centinaia di residenti del centro storico di Firenze, del quartiere di San Frediano, hanno seguito l'appello dei genitori della scuola dell'infanzia Fioretta Mazzei e hanno partecipato al sit-in davanti al "Catafalco", il trionfale monumento autocelebrativo con cui il Club Roberto Cavalli has marked the area, stealing children's play space to the scarring and the aesthetic balance of the center.

Surprisingly, the likely future mayor of Florence, Matteo Renzi , intervened, signing the request to remove the structure that Roberto Cavalli has imposed on the city.

Coordination of parents - non-partisan, completely spontaneous and without any resources - is surprised by the success of the event, which obviously has touched an important issue for the residents of a neighborhood overwhelmed by private interests: everyone had a story to tell.

many were we? Parents and preschool children were found to be a minority among many residents. One of us, who could contact only a portion of those present, has collected 240 signatures .

The children have filled the walls with drawings of the square who dreamed of.

Two nice madonnari , Martin Esposito Zingarelli and Angela have made a large drawing of Spider-Man who saves Florence injustice.

Some children also discovered the ability to use creatively the Catafalco Roberto Cavalli.

At one point, appeared Matteo Renzi, most likely next mayor of Florence. Matteo Renzi, facing a large group of witnesses, has signed the request to revoke the license for the catafalque of Roberto Cavalli, and alternatively not to renew the permit. We were saying, is an apolitical, who among us is hoped the victory of Renzi, will it cause for satisfaction, and those who fear, will have every right to ask account of its signature.

They also wanted to put their signature Valdo Spini , nominated himself for election, and Eros Cruccolini, President of the Council Comunale di Firenze.

To crown the event, a cheerful circle around Catafalco Cavalli, to remember that the square is not whether those who buy, but who lives there and loves it.

Every now and then they showed those present called locusts: a composite fauna unfortunate scullions non (bottom of the scale, Peruvians, Egyptians to rise), quirky characters who pretended to be biker , bouncers in black shirt, just-age hunters (but not leopard - willing to do anything, but not to wear the clothes of Horses), fifty (males and females) Abbronzatissimi and fragrant, and especially the son of Roberto Cavalli and owner of the Horse Club, Joseph Daniel Jacoviello .

Perennially the phone and increasingly nervous about the event as they became more imposing, Danilo Jacoviello Joseph (left in photo) had apparently ordered a tactical retreat : the room, usually already active at seven in the evening, began to operate only after ten o'clock when the show ended.

Soon after, who lives in Piazza del Carmine was able to see one of the unlucky non- execute the orders of the head, tearing one by one the drawings made by children and throwing them in the garbage can (no, not that of the paper). Just because we can imagine living in that situation of blackmail, try to avoid posting here the photo of the gentleman which was commissioned this little crap.