Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Stevie Nicks- Asu 2010

convention "to protect children and adolescents by promoting"

Report Riunione

Terni, Venerdì 31 Luglio 2009

Oggetto: Organizzazione convegno finanziato dal Cesvol previsto per il 20 e 21 Novembre 2009.

Presenti all’incontro:

APAV – Maria Grazia Macchiarulo

AVI – Francesca Leprotti e Marco Marongiu

Arciragazzi “Castelli in Aria” – Daniele Lucarelli

Legambiente – Andrea Liberati

Coordinamento Genitori Democratici – Angela Caputo

Genitori si diventa – Anna Rita Zara

Movimento per l’Infanzia – Giuseppe Tardioli

Cesvol – Operatrice facilitazione reti – Alessandra Della Spoletina


Venerdì 31 Luglio alle ore 11,00 ha avuto luogo l’incontro della rete promotrice del Convegno v i ncitore del Finanziamento Cesvol , appositamente pensato per essere realizzato nei giorni 20 e 21 Novembre, in concomitanza con il Ventennale della Convenzione ONU sui diritti dell’infanzia

Il gruppo si è focalizzato durante la discussione the following points

  • Sharing the objectives of the conference

L ' main objective is to open an opportunity for comparison between different parties on issues of policy for children and adolescents.

Associations, teachers, parents, players and officials responsible for services, administrators and students will have the ' opportunities through the division of participants into working groups of give rise to ideas in order to articulate GREEMENT program of Regional and local and the establishment of concertation tables Advisory , acts the planning and monitoring experience.

One possible instrument of the network that may represent one of the outcomes of the conference will be published periodically in the economy but widely circulated.

In the days of meeting will also seek a link with specific experience of European, national and local authorities to promote and exchange best practices.

All present were unanimous in ' avoid the classic pathways of politicians or experts, urging everyone to give their contribution to ' internal working groups, with a horizontal mode of comparison points to enhance the story experience of parents, students, teachers and in a ' optical organizational and participatory democracy.

Last week was also detected the figure of the Guarantor for the ' Children and those present said they were agreed to use the conference as an opportunity constituting a permanent table comparison with that institution is trying to exert pressure to achieve the prominence that this ' social worth.

  • Sharing c ONTENTS u will be conveyed through the Conference

The working groups set up for participants at the meeting were confronatati will be:

  • management relationship with the media electronic
  • Include school, learning, emotions, family relations school
  • City space, time of use of space, time, leisure and sport
  • The early stages of parenting and parenting aware
  • Lifestyles, health, education, sexuality
  • Listening to the child in services and places of normality

The way individuals tend to prefer to ' internal working groups moments of reflection and interspersed with experiential to put all participants in a position to make a contribution and to become aware through some small experience of the content that we intend to convey (eg use of computers, pr and disp or position of stations for showing videos, etc.).

The conference then must be a double opportunity: on the one hand to strengthen the bonds of the local network which seeks to structure, dall altra un esempio di confronto positivo ed innovativo che superi le modalità classiche e si imponga all attenzione nei risultati, nelle modalità e nei contenuti.

  • Organizzazzione

Proposte emerse relativamente alla parte più squisitamente organizzativa:

  • Per la struttura da utilizzare si pensato all’ex Siri in quanto c’è la possibilità di spazi sia per i lavori di gruppo che per l’eventuale presenza attiva di bambini e inoltre la gratuità della stessa.
  • Si è detto di preparare un documento in fase preparatoria per gli amministratori in modo che conoscano fin da prima che cosa accadrà nelle due giornate e che cosa ci si aspetta da loro in termini di progettazione, impegni specie di tipo interistituzionale. Inoltre sarebbe importante che ogni istituzione coinvolta individui al proprio interno alcuni rappresentanti che potrebbero essere coinvolti in fase di preparazione sia sugli aspetti generali che sugli argomenti particolari, col compito poi di socializzare l’esperienza all’interno del proprio Ente per rispettare gli impegni presi duranet i lavori.
  • E’ emersa l’opportunità di coinvolgere gli stessi bambini e ragazzi nel convegno, predisponendo spazi e tempi rispettosi della loro identità individuando appropriate language and situations that reveal clearly their contribution, their expertise on various issues.
  • To listen to the child in the services and institutions has proposed extending the processing not only children in conditions of suffering as victims or object on technical intrusive but to all stakeholders in children and adolescents in different family contexts, educational etc.
  • On parenting has proposed to focus a lot on ' item " awareness "
  • It is said that beyond the contingency related to the Gelmini reform must analyze the historical causes deeper that have been made diff the cult processes aiming to establish a full sc uola as a community is ducante (made by teachers, pupils, parents, territory ). The involvement of different bodies would allow 'emission credits.
  • It is p ROPOSAL of make u na documentation of what happens in the conference with logging tools by define
  • E ' proposed the creation of a site through which all support the work of preparing the conference and beyond that you are dealing with Marco Marongiu.
  • As a method it was suggested to form king, a coordination group working up to 20 and 21 November with a clear division of labor that allows the maximum r esponsabilizzazione and autonomy of the individual components and subassemblies.

Alle ore 13.00 la riunione si è conclusa con la decisone di convocare un incontro all’inizio d settembre e di continuare il lavoro attraverso lo scambio di materiali e informazioni via mail, ovviando alla difficoltà di incontrarsi dovuta alla pausa estiva.


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