Adesso riportiamo qui, per un preciso motivo che vedremo presto su questo blog, l'articolo di Repubblica che parla del provvedimento.
Cavalli, la discoteca era abusiva
Repubblica — 30 maggio 2009 pagina 1 sezione: FIRENZE
PALAZZO Vecchio vieta le danze nel Cavalli Club di piazza del Carmine.
"This order to cease any and all public entertainment activities", is written in the managerial decision notified on May 27 to Joseph Daniel Jacoviello, legal representative of "The Court Ltd., which manages the local ownership of the famous Florentine designer Roberto Cavalli was born right next to the church with the frescoes of Masaccio in a former Waldensian chapel, now disused.
means that will no longer show dj in console or you can use the 'wide corridor of the room as the dance floor , which took place on 22 February when the police ascertained that the Nas' When' inspector 's restaurant business was completed, while the dance was being practiced by about 30 people, with live music by DJ console officer. " A clear violation of Articles 68 and 80 of the Consolidated Public Safety , which requires to pursue the 'public entertainment activities a' municipal authorization and verification of 'fitness for use of the premises, which now are not there.
For this three days ago, the city manager Valarie Cantafio Casamaggi signed the measure that requires a halt to 'public entertainment activities. It 's a new tile for Horses: Only two months ago, the city police and the local health authorities seized a large quantity of food expired coffee Giacosa Via della Spada, the 'other acquired by a local designer. - Ernesto Ferrari

Jacoviello Daniel Joseph, Roberto Cavalli and Rachele Cavalli on one of the family yacht
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