L’Associazione Ideactiva, in collaborazione con il Comune di Sant'Oreste, organizza l’incontro di presentazione del Consiglio comunale dei giovani di Sant'Oreste, che si terrà Martedì 13 luglio presso il Museo del Monte Soratte, in Piazza C. Caccia alle ore 17.00 per presentare il Progetto P.AL.CO (Partecipa To the City).
The initiative, funded by the Province of Rome in the Young Local Plan 2007-2009, aims to encourage youth participation in the institutional life of their town.
Participants at the meeting Councillor for Participation and Chief Executive Officer Maurice Serzanti young Andrea Diamond, who will illustrate the activities of the City for youth and the role of the City in the policies of attracting young people to the institutions
Ezequiel Iurcovich and Nico Romano Ideactiva Association, will explain the opportunities available to youth through the Youth City Council, and the importance of active participation young people in decision-making
The meeting will be distributed the guide "How to join the City Council of the Young" published by Ideactiva.
For information: Association Ideactiva - tel. 0636006259 - e-mail ideactiva@ideactiva.org
http://www.teverenotizie.it/consiglio-comunale-dei-giovani-santoreste-incontro-ideactiva-assessore-serzanti-palazzo-canali-caccia-museo-del- Soratte, A1, 1202.html
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