Public Water, founded the Committee
Even in Civitavecchia Italy as in all groups, parties, movements and free citizens have embraced the cause
Italian Forum will gather signatures for the referendum questions 3 through which the repeal of two laws 3 items. "We want to stop the privatization of water services
ripubblicizzazione to open and remove the profits from a resource that is common good and not good." 4 appointed spokesmen, Ricotti, Bonomi, Pierotti and Barletta
CIVITAVECCHIA - It is this afternoon at a meeting of the classroom Cutuli Pincio Committee Civitavecchia, for public water. This is a''rib''of the Italian Forum of movements for the public water present throughout Italy, which has already started the collection of signatures to prevent the privatization of water services in local government and then through three referendums to change the law Ronchi. At the city joined the Coordination Committee, trade unions Rdb-Civitavecchia, CGIL (Chamber of Labour and Public Administration), Federation of the Left, reformist Left, Freedom and Ecology, Coordination Committees''No''to coal, Marxist Leninist Party Italian, Civitavecchia There, the Veterans of Sports Committee, Piazza Clean, Environmental Forum, Grilli di Mare, the Greens and of course free citizens. As for the Democratic Party, joined for the moment only Edmund and Roberta Cosentino Galletta because the Democrats at the national level have already started to collect signatures for a bill. "With this choice and with the various initiatives that we will - have defined the new Board members - we want to say once and for all that water is a common good and a universal human right. No one can appropriate it, nor make us profits. " With three questions, the Italian Forum of Water Movements wants to eliminate all the rules in recent years have pushed privatization. The first question proposed for repeal Article 23 bis of Law n. 133/2008 on the privatization of public services in economic importance. "With this rule - explain the Committee - you definitely want to put on the market the management of the 64 ATO (about 92) that either have not yet proceeded to expectations, or have entrusted the management of water services to companies in total public capital. These without exception, will cease by December 2011, or may continue only on condition of turning into joint ventures with private capital to 40%. The second question is proposing the repeal of Article. 150 of the Environmental Code that would allow''''ripubblicizzazione water service. "Third - They explained - we demand the repeal of art. 154 of the Environmental Code that allows the operator to make a profit on price, charging the public a bill of 7% return on invested capital. " These are the spokesman of the Committee: Simon Ricotti, Angelo Pierotti, Valeria Barletta, Roberto Bonomi.

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