Monday, October 11, 2010

Installing Office Usb Drive Corrupted

Conference "The network of municipalities for the participation of young people"

L 'at the Hall 10/08/2010 Co NSILA the City of Riano Conference was held on the theme "The network of municipalities for the participation of young people organized by Ideactiva in 'Project scope P.AL.CO. (Participate in Town Hall) funded by the Local Plan 2007-2009 Youth of the Province of Rome.

meeting was attended by representatives of institutions and youth delegations of Commons who took part in the initiative.

The meeting provided an opportunity is to compare the experiences of various municipalities on active policies to encourage young people to "get closer" to the City, is the thinking of young people to participate.

Deputy Mayor of Riano, Ermelindo Vetrana, has emphasized the difficulties that most authorities meet to formulate proposals and projects aimed at promoting the integration of young people of the town with local tissue, and found very often a lack of attention and interest of its own by recipients of assistance.

Young people justify this by their absence is due to the difficulty of administration, at times, to satisfy the needs and basic needs of young people for a general disinterest of the youth population in relation to the facts of the municipality, as to anything that might appear as a politician.
The Deputy Mayor of the City of Morley, Gemma Quattrini, has announced the approval by the City Council of Morley of the resolution establishing the Council for young people, first among the municipalities involved in the project P . AL.CO.
In this respect, young people are anxious to stress that their desire to take part would try to be as apolitical as possible, or at least outside the local political spectrum, whereas the Youth Council a tool house, a real opportunity to make things and provide ideas to improve the reality of its territory reference.

The debate revealed a strong intention on the part of participants to collaborate on a joint and intra-city to begin to talk about participation and activities for young people no longer with the old structures and individualistic parochial known by the individual municipalities, but in a perspective of cooperation and networking between neighboring municipalities and from the same catchment area, an element found in the course of meetings held by the Ideactiva is that the scope of action of young people often goes beyond the municipal boundaries.

The conference concluded with a discussion among the participants in which they were raised further doubts and questions about the procedures for activation and operation of certain aspects of the Youth Council, to which members of the Association Ideactiva have been able to give answers, advice and operational solutions.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Electrostatic Air Filter

The network of Commons for the participation of young

Association Ideactiva is pleased to invite you to the meeting to be held Friday, Oct. 8 (16:30 to 18:30) at the Council Hall of Riano.

The event, attended by the Mayor of Riano, Nicola Regano, and the President of the Municipal Council of Riano, Marina Di Pietrantonio, provides for the participation of representatives of institutions and delegations of young people from all municipalities involved in the P. AL.CO, participation in the communicative, funded by the Province of Rome in the Young Local Plan 2007 to 2009.

will be an opportunity to compare the individual experiences of Commons on active modes of attracting young people to care for the public good and practice per affrontare problematiche legate al tema della partecipazione non solo politica ma anche civica.

I giovani avranno modo di riportare il loro punto di vista sulle azioni necessarie al fine di promuovere una più attenta politica locale ai bisogni della comunità giovanile.

Per info: