draft resolution for assessment department for social policies The following is the draft of the resolution we were working.
in red : request for information to be added in
yellow : text to assess and / or modify
in blue : proposals
write your reflections:
For an Observatory on childhood and adolescence
population range from the early years of life among adults to step presents complex issues, with issues of interest to both aspects those social sanitari, come già messo in evidenza da numerosi rapporti di ricerca e dalle osservazioni delle molte organizzazioni del volontariato e del terzo settore.
Le criticità, messe in evidenza oramai da oltre dieci anni, non hanno trovato risposta esaustiva ed anzi, per certi aspetti, si sono aggravate, nonostante gli impegni messi in essere sia dalle amministrazioni pubbliche che private, sia dal generoso operare delle numerose associazioni che hanno attivato interventi in vari settori del mondo infantile e giovanile. Particolare preoccupazione è stata espressa dalle istituzioni scolastiche che pure hanno attivato tentativi numerosi di intervento.
(perché non pubblichiamo sul sito del forum i dati che are mentioned?)
In the province of Terni, according to data presented by the 'Observatory on provincial health and environment issues have been highlighted very disturbing, especially in terms of the determinants of health, especially social and environmental considerations. (we also publish this data? I do not find them)
At the same time there has been a large number of interventions implemented by different actors. However, separately and without stable forms of connection. E 'was also detected by the difficulty of local institutions, particularly against small towns.
(again: where it is registered? What difficulty? We publish everything!)
Recently, at the initiative of some parents' associations, representatives of the school, with the support of local government (municipality, province, region, and University of Perugia) ; Recently, at the initiative of some parents' organizations, representatives of the school, local health and the Chair of Hygiene, University of Perugia in Terni , has started a process of networking different actors operating in the voluntary sector that is was brought to public attention during the conference "And then we?" held in Terni on 20 and 21 November us
Under the experiences implemented by both institutional associations industry and the process started , with the convention of 20 November 2009, the group that promotes the establishment of the Permanent Observatory on Childhood and Adolescence, he will provide continuity to the dialogue started with mutual and equal government institutions local and social forces.
At the conference, the institutions of government locale ed alle forze sociali tutte, è stato avanzato un insieme di proposte concrete di intervento, la cui realizzazione richiede una collaborazione fra tutti i soggetti e si basa su un processo di coordinamento che deve necessariamente essere assunto da parte di un Ente locale.
Dal momento che le attività riguardano l’intero territorio della provincia, riteniamo opportuno che gli Assessorati di riferimento assumano tale ruolo, chiamando a collaborare tutti i Comuni, per la funzione propria loro assegnata dalla stessa Costituzione, di tutela della salute e del benessere della popolazione che vive nel loro territorio, nonché tutti gli altri soggetti che sono portatori di interesse nel campo della protezione e promozione della salute e della qualità della vita dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza.
A tal fine si propone di avviare un’attività progettuale relativa alla costituzione di un Osservatorio Permanente sull’infanzia e adolescenza, che si fondi sui diritti sanciti dalla Convenzione ONU sull’Infanzia.
Finalità del progetto
- organizzare un tavolo di concertazione permanente e periodico tra le associazioni, le rappresentanze del mondo giovanile, il settore scolastico ed educativo, i settori professionali e le istituzioni locali dell’intero territorio provinciale di Terni con il supporto di un mediatore per la conduct and summary of the meetings;
- within the rights of children and youth to bring out the strengths and weaknesses through a photograph, a real mapping of existing resources in the area (with accurate data and for shared all representations) sharing practices and documents;
- set up the Permanent Observatory for Childhood and Adolescence;
- search for resources, considering the possibility of involving including the costs for Ongoing assessment by professional observers outside the table the assessment of the territory of the proposed activities ;
- assess the relevant aspects (positive and negative) experience, and reformulate strategies based on the data collected.
The work of the action be considered as a monitoring and evaluation of land as all the services that are provided by public administrations and activities of institutions and professionals that lend themselves to grow and support the policies of the Child and adolescence.
In fact, anyone working in education, in social, education, politics and administration land but also any active citizen, is considered to be the bearer of this will.
The conceptual model will be those already defined in the guidelines from International Organizations, based on the principles and rights enshrined in the UN Convention.
cultural references of the fund will be a turnaround in the approach to work with the younger generation, by providing them with a permanent contact point and continuous , involving them nelle politiche di riferimento , dando loro voce onde raccogliere i loro punti di vista, i bisogni espressi e non espressi, le riflessioni e le indicazioni relative ai loro elementi valoriali, i loro modi interpretativi della realtà che vivono nei vari contesti in cui sono presenti.
Lo strumento operativo del progetto è rappresentato dall’Osservatorio Permanente, volto alla promozione della salute e della qualità della vita, istituito con il sostegno degli Assessorati di riferimento.
In esso troveranno la loro presenza tutti i soggetti portatori di interesse nel campo dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza, che si impegneranno formally to work together by signing a Memorandum of Understanding.
The Centre will be governed by a scientific committee coordinated by the Department, in which there are representatives of the school, health, local institutions, voluntary organizations and third sector of social forces.
It will operate on the basis of agreed work plan adopted annually, including multi-year value, the results of which will find space and visibility in the Standing conference on health , according to a protocol of cooperation from all shared.
Each subject in the framework of general policy and coordination, will operate in their sectors according to their methods of work and likely to be better managed.
The project will (should) be implemented in close connection with the 'Action From profiles to Patti for health ", undertaken by the provincial administration in conjunction with the Centre on health and the environment in order to avoid waste of resources and overlapping of interventions.
' s provincial administration will the maintenance of 'OIA / COPY / OPSI / ie to provide structures and means necessary for its operation, performing the functions of coordination and monitoring.