Non è un paese per vecchi,
cito il nome di un film, ma il senso è che quì difficilmente si invecchia serenamente, ci avvelenano tutti fin dalla nascita, così dopo la centrale a carbone di TVN, le proposte di riconversione a carbone di un gruppo a TVS, le proposte di realizzare inceneritori e cementifici vari...leggendo l'inchiesta dell'espresso sull'"Italia dei Veleni" scopriamo come al solito di essere trattati come cavie sulla terra in cui viviamo e cito dall' articolo:
"Nella zona di Santa Lucia sorge uno dei più antichi poligoni for tests on chemical weapons. After the war there have been accumulated stocks of chemicals recovered in various military bases. Then
since 1996 have been concentrated there any gas kept secretly by the Italian army. It was at least 150 tons of mustard gas. 1104 tons of Adams, 44,200 liters of smoke aggressive 40 000 projectiles with chemical feedstock.
In 1993 came into operation in a secret experimental facility to neutralize these gases, since 1997 the structure was strengthened, and open to international inspections
: work at least until 2015. The waste of arsenic are imprisoned in concrete cylinders, stacked in the basis pending a final settlement che le renda innocue."
Come cittadini chiediamo di sapere la verità sui pericoli per la nostra salute e sicurezza e su quello che le istituzioni fanno per assicurarla a partire dall'amministrazione comunale.
Vogliamo vivere su di un territorio libero da tutti i veleni,
e ci batteremo contro tutti gli avvelenatori e i loro complici.
Aggiornamenti frutto di alcune ricerche in rete che non tranquillizzano
ma pongono domande di chiarimenti e informazioni maggiori sull'attuale situazione
della struttura da parte di tutte le autorità istituzionali coinvolte
It is already a parliamentary question to the Chamber of Deputies of Elettra Deiana Defence Minister on 22 January 2002 where he wrote:
"the journalist Antonio Mira The future of the newspaper, as we read his article and a
similar article appeared on October 21, 2001 in the newspaper
Unit, visited the military center in St. Lucia in Civitavecchia;
the military center of St. Lucia, about 70 hectares in the area Tolfa a few miles from the center of Civitavecchia, keeps a cache of weapons chimichebiologiche, residues of the First and Second World War, an Italian production and partly made in Germany and Austria
; is present in large amounts mustard gas, a liquid composed of sulphide clorodietano, particularly dangerous because it can hardly produce burns heal in time, the security of the military structure is entrusted to a private company, following the press reports the Chief Prosecutor the Military Prosecutor, dr. Intelisano, has ordered an inspection of the Carabinieri and has opened a file to determine the responsibilities of the lack of control of the complex of S. Lucia
because there was adequate supervision at the Centre which also is a highly sensitive target because 'if hit by a bomb or a missile could have very serious consequences for the spreading of the IPR environment;
because although Italy had adhered to since 1925 Geneva Protocol
signed by 42 countries committed themselves to ban chemical and biological weapons
, are still preserved mustard gas deposits of the first
War World (against which, inter alia, in the 80 events were made public in Civitavecchia and parliamentary questions were also raised in relation to the fact that in the colonial campaigns in Libya in '29-'30 and in Abyssinia in '35-' 36 Italian armed forces had made use of the IPR);
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2007 On November 16, 2007
Tana de Zulueta and the Regional Council of the Greens, Enrico Fontana, visit the NBC Technical Center of Civitavecchia.
Following this visit Tana has a Odg calling upon the Government that more resources be allocated to the military establishment, which receives no money from 2004, in order to complete the destruction of chemical weapons that are currently stored in the structure.
Agenda Commission III, Foreign and Community Affairs House of Representatives since:
the Technical Center Logistics Command of NBC Civitavecchia performs tasks
study, testing and applications of a military nature in the nuclear, biological and chemical, is also involved supply
materials and means of detection, protection and remediation, nuclear, biological and chemical
that one of its main tasks is that of destruction of chemical weapons
to achieve the goals set by the Paris Convention;
when there are well-stocked 20,000 shells containing mustard gas, which
destruction occurs very slowly due to lack of funds;
always for lack of funds, do not you make some time
maintenance of structures, deteriorating, can pose serious safety problems both
for the workers, who for the surrounding population;
funding of the center is done with funds from the Ministry of Defence with regard to
plant operation, the Ministry of the Interior for
travel expenses related to the activity `remediation in the country and from
Foreign Ministry for the implementation of the Paris Convention, the Government undertakes to make available within the first quarter of 2008 the funds allocated to the CETL NBC Civitavecchia to enable him by the end of 2008 to destroy projectiles and meet the time schedule agreed with the National Authority responsible for implementation of the Paris Convention.