Terme Public or Private Interest?
The Prosecution of Civitavecchia, initiate an investigation on the approval of the regional variation Spa, led by deputy, Dr. Pantaleo Polyphemus.
We express confidence in the judiciary and we ask the same questions: Why
the Lazio Region has not been considered the report of the State Forestry areas covered by fire in the summers of 2006 and 2007 involved the so-called variant spa?
The areas covered by the variant are actually entered in the calculation of space requirements for residential and commercial in breach of the framework law on forest fires? [November 21, 2000, No 353, which provides: ART 10 - "The wooded areas and pastures in the stands have been affected by fire may not have a destination other than that existing fire for at least fifteen years."]
express sharing the merits of the opposition and solidarity with the director Alexander Manuedda, accused of being an instrument of the "enemies of the" vulgar in attacks by the first deputy mayor and then Sandro De Paolis.
But what kind of project we talking about? to use the land for private enrichment of our city by building houses and shopping malls?
What to do with the construction of public baths still another reason?
Public interest would be the development of tourism and spa area, which is incompatible with the choices of underdevelopment of this administration, from the sale of land to dump coal Enel.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
How To Tell Temp Of Oil Without Thermometer
not Bruciamoci the future
Other than miraculous plant "Arrow-Bio", the collection should be door to door! Saturday, July 11
Tomorrow kicks off the collection of signatures for a proposal of regional law of popular initiative on waste.
not Bruciamoci the Future
fully share the objectives of the Coordination for the city to ensure waste collection door to door.
"The main objectives of the law - said on behalf of the Coordination Maurizio Puppi - are: to eliminate the incineration system as toxic, expensive and unnecessary for citizens if it differs, implement separate collection 'door to door' to reduce, reuse, recycle, recover from waste raw materials needed and resale build clean plants for composting organic materials and recycling center for the recovery of the dry waste and introduce the fee on time that 'those who produce more waste pay more' and reduce the bill of those who put in place virtuous practices of waste reduction (eg home composting, buying products with less packaging such as washing 'on tap', use of reusable nappies , etc.) "..
We also invite people to sign the bill at the tables will be set up Saturday, July 11 to Piazza Regina Margherita from 9:00 to 13:00 and evening at Piazza Fratti (Ghetto area) from 17:00 to 23:00.
Other than miraculous plant "Arrow-Bio", the collection should be door to door! Saturday, July 11
Tomorrow kicks off the collection of signatures for a proposal of regional law of popular initiative on waste.
not Bruciamoci the Future

fully share the objectives of the Coordination for the city to ensure waste collection door to door.
"The main objectives of the law - said on behalf of the Coordination Maurizio Puppi - are: to eliminate the incineration system as toxic, expensive and unnecessary for citizens if it differs, implement separate collection 'door to door' to reduce, reuse, recycle, recover from waste raw materials needed and resale build clean plants for composting organic materials and recycling center for the recovery of the dry waste and introduce the fee on time that 'those who produce more waste pay more' and reduce the bill of those who put in place virtuous practices of waste reduction (eg home composting, buying products with less packaging such as washing 'on tap', use of reusable nappies , etc.) "..
We also invite people to sign the bill at the tables will be set up Saturday, July 11 to Piazza Regina Margherita from 9:00 to 13:00 and evening at Piazza Fratti (Ghetto area) from 17:00 to 23:00.
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With Greenpeace!
fully agree with the following statement of the Environmental Forum:
The actions of Greenpeace and the mystifying information ENEL
The Environmental Forum expresses its solidarity and support to members of Greenpeace who organized peaceful protests in some coal-fired Italian, including Civitavecchia to emphasize the futility of any summit on climate change, like to be held at the G8, until the energy policies not to ban the use of fuel among the most damaging among fossil fuels: coal. A
action, to Greenpeace, stressing that the large amount of greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants associated with coal combustion, goes to fill the silence of the national and local institutions in the face of serious shortcomings in terms of administrative and environmental distinguishing these projects, first of all with the conversion of TVN, including the recent suspension of the EMAS certification and the imposition of the renewal of the Integrated Environmental testify.
Grave is then that ENEL, and how many for it, have also used this opportunity to continue to feed the unproductive and dangerous confrontation between workers and citizens who for years have torn the fabric of the city and to propagate a sequence of real falsehood which define the system to "100% clean coal" or say that C02 emissions will be reduced by 18% compared to the old system.
clean coal as clean if not, to cite one example, can not even respect the limits imposed by the Commission of 50 mg/Nm3 IPPC for carbon monoxide on the basis of the provisions of the European papers about the best available technology which the central TVN should do. We read in the note
ENEL prot. 22192 of June 9, 2009 that "... ... is required to be re-evaluated the CO emission limit prescribed ..." and that "The failure to implement this request ... would in fact not esercibilità plant."
like saying North Torrevaldaliga can not operate without polluting.
E 'hardly necessary to remind that according to The European Agency for the Environment exposure to carbon monoxide, even at low concentrations, poses a danger to human health that results in an increase in the number of deaths and an increase in cardiology visits, angina and heart attack, transient ischemic attack and stroke, the infezioni respiratorie e di visite per malattie dell’apparato respiratorio (in particolare la brocopneumopatia cronica ostruttiva, BPCO).
Così come la tanto sbandierata diminuzione del 18% di Anidride Carbonica (CO2), non trova riscontro in alcuno dei documenti ufficiali dove invece si legge che le emissioni di CO2 saranno pari a 10.730.000 T/a (DEC.MAP 55/02/2003) a fronte delle 7.338.833,7 T/a emesse dal precedente impianto ad olio combustibile (registro INES 2002).
Quantità enormi che, oltre a concorrere significativamente all’aumento dei gas climalteranti ed ai conseguenti cambiamenti climatici, porteranno l’Italia a sforare il tetto di emissioni consentite e, per questo, a pagare pesanti sanzioni.
Add to this that the Ministry of Environment has imposed the renewal of the Integrated Environmental, which, today, the panel is exercising its activities without authorization and that such an event on the body energy, as well as institutions have not felt any need to inform the people there realize what kind of information that appeals to ENEL that a one-way, the sense of corporate profits.
Luckily, though, there's Greenpeace!
fully agree with the following statement of the Environmental Forum:
The actions of Greenpeace and the mystifying information ENEL
The Environmental Forum expresses its solidarity and support to members of Greenpeace who organized peaceful protests in some coal-fired Italian, including Civitavecchia to emphasize the futility of any summit on climate change, like to be held at the G8, until the energy policies not to ban the use of fuel among the most damaging among fossil fuels: coal. A
action, to Greenpeace, stressing that the large amount of greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants associated with coal combustion, goes to fill the silence of the national and local institutions in the face of serious shortcomings in terms of administrative and environmental distinguishing these projects, first of all with the conversion of TVN, including the recent suspension of the EMAS certification and the imposition of the renewal of the Integrated Environmental testify.
Grave is then that ENEL, and how many for it, have also used this opportunity to continue to feed the unproductive and dangerous confrontation between workers and citizens who for years have torn the fabric of the city and to propagate a sequence of real falsehood which define the system to "100% clean coal" or say that C02 emissions will be reduced by 18% compared to the old system.
clean coal as clean if not, to cite one example, can not even respect the limits imposed by the Commission of 50 mg/Nm3 IPPC for carbon monoxide on the basis of the provisions of the European papers about the best available technology which the central TVN should do. We read in the note
ENEL prot. 22192 of June 9, 2009 that "... ... is required to be re-evaluated the CO emission limit prescribed ..." and that "The failure to implement this request ... would in fact not esercibilità plant."
like saying North Torrevaldaliga can not operate without polluting.
E 'hardly necessary to remind that according to The European Agency for the Environment exposure to carbon monoxide, even at low concentrations, poses a danger to human health that results in an increase in the number of deaths and an increase in cardiology visits, angina and heart attack, transient ischemic attack and stroke, the infezioni respiratorie e di visite per malattie dell’apparato respiratorio (in particolare la brocopneumopatia cronica ostruttiva, BPCO).
Così come la tanto sbandierata diminuzione del 18% di Anidride Carbonica (CO2), non trova riscontro in alcuno dei documenti ufficiali dove invece si legge che le emissioni di CO2 saranno pari a 10.730.000 T/a (DEC.MAP 55/02/2003) a fronte delle 7.338.833,7 T/a emesse dal precedente impianto ad olio combustibile (registro INES 2002).
Quantità enormi che, oltre a concorrere significativamente all’aumento dei gas climalteranti ed ai conseguenti cambiamenti climatici, porteranno l’Italia a sforare il tetto di emissioni consentite e, per questo, a pagare pesanti sanzioni.
Add to this that the Ministry of Environment has imposed the renewal of the Integrated Environmental, which, today, the panel is exercising its activities without authorization and that such an event on the body energy, as well as institutions have not felt any need to inform the people there realize what kind of information that appeals to ENEL that a one-way, the sense of corporate profits.
Luckily, though, there's Greenpeace!
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